20. Arrival

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Overnight, while the crew was sleeping, Damian had managed to make it to their fated destination.

"This is... Azarath?"

Raven glanced up at Damian, who was at a loss for words. Displayed before them was a brutally destroyed island. Stone-paved streets remained empty, while spots where houses used to be instead stood as black rubble.

Tears welled in Raven's eyes at the sight of her former home. "This is Azarath," she confirmed with a quiet voice.

Damian raised his eyebrows at the sight of her crying. "There is nothing you could have done. Don't blame yourself."

Raven met his gaze, and something told her those were words pulled straight from his heart. "You are right. All I can do now is prevent it from happening again."

"Let's go," Damian instructed and grabbed his lit lantern before climbing down the ladder of the ship. Raven followed close behind, sticking close to him as he stepped through the rubble.

It was dead silent as they made their way through what used to be a village.

"Zinthos is that temple on top of the hill," Raven quietly informed as she raised her hand to point in the right direction. Damian raised his head to look toward where she was directing them.

"It's still standing," he noted as he grabbed her hand and helped her step over the damages in their path.

She nodded in response as she gripped his hand tighter. Although she had safely made her way through the path, he didn't release her hand.

Her gaze moved from him to the sky above, focused eyes studying the clear sky above them. When she returned her attention to their conjoined hands, she spoke.

"Thank you for this."

Damian glanced down at her curiously. "For what?"

"Coming with me," Raven answered and flashed him a sad smile. "It means a lot to me."

"We had a deal," Damian decided to say. "I don't like to break them."

As they traveled along the ruined path, Damian decided to speak again, breaking the brief silence between them.

"For the record, Queen and I have no real relation."

Raven raised an eyebrow at the sudden clarification. "Oh, so you're one of those. I see."

Damian scoffed. "No, that is not what- you know what, it doesn't matter. I don't know why I'm clearing this up, anyway."

Raven let out a huff of laugh. "I mean you two seemed quite close. My apologies for assuming."

Damian's face reddened at the statement. "I have... never been close with anyone like that. Her sudden interest in me was honestly a surprise."

"Why is that so surprising?" Raven decided to question. She watched as his face fell.

"There is nothing to like. I am not a good person."

Raven frowned at his words. "I disagree. Like I said on the island, you have a kind heart and generous soul. I meant that and still do. If you weren't a good person, you wouldn't be helping me."

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