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Annyeong everyone! Wazzup? The name's Min Hye and this is my blog called 'Min Hye-ah!' I don't know why I named it like that but I think it's cute *u* I bet some of you may want to know me... or some already know me ㅋㅋㅋ

This book is purposely where I write my feelings and where I want to clear up my boredom 'cause sometimes, wattpad is just boring as fuck 'ya know?

Sorry for cussing, it's already in my blood since my parents are awesome cussing machines xD the next part is more about me so if you want to know more about me.... wait for my update and read!

Support and give lots of love~ <3 <3 <3 and I'll give you lots of love back~ xD


Min Hye-ah!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant