Bubble tea loves me

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Since I couldn't really sleep, I asked my dormmate (Seul Min) to come with me and buy bubble tea outside. So yeah, we dressed up and all that shit. When we went in the boba shop, I was greeted with Bubble Tea. Yeah, I was poured with Bubble Tea all over my shirt.

A guy 'accidentally' spilled bubble tea all over me. Like fuck I wann beat him up. So I did, HAHAHA. But then he bought us bubble tea to make it up. Hehe, free bubble tea~~

Oh yeah, I live in my unit (It's like a penthouse) but my girls call it dorm since they live there with me. It was pretty big since my parents bought it for me. Seul Min, Na Young and Mia are my three fuckin best friends who stayed with me since kindergarten. I luv them to death.

Anyway, got my bubble tea and now I can sleep~ good night once again! *flying kiss*


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