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"Fuck I bet they're all panicking big time, especially with what's going for them at the moment," Tyler sighs, his eyes genuinely sympathetic as I share the news about Billy with him.

We're all shocked, but Van has been a shell of himself as he's panicked about what to do. Constantly running his fingers through his hair, a constant slope of worry on his features.

"I feels for them," I nod, "Van is a state, and I just don't know how to help."

"I know someone who plays guitar," he hums, "recently split with his band, he's looking for work but I think he was looking for a band a bit more developed. Either way, I could always ask?"

My eyes widen at Tyler, an uncharacteristic squeal leaving my lips at his offer, which I enthusiastically accept, deciding to wait until knowing he'd be interested to tell Van.

I'm on cloud nine for the rest of the day, for the rest of the week even. Friday rolls around and Tyler tells me that 'Bondy' is interested, and is free this evening to check in with the boys. It's still early in the day, usually Van doesn't rise before noon, but I can't refrain from calling him about the news. Even on the phone, I can tell the hope has made him a changed man, he tells me he'd love to meet him and Tyler sets it all up. I can only pray that it works out well and they gel with him.

Tyler arranges to pick Bondy up, therefore he'll take us to the pub tonight which means I get to avoid the bus. We sit and chatted after the store has closed, waiting for the green light from his friend to leave.

"You're really good at tattooing Kath. Jon taught you well," he hums in appreciation as I show him one I did on my arm not long ago.

"Thanks," I mutter sheepishly, "I didn't deserve it from him."

Tyler chuckles, sitting opposite me on one of the tattoo chairs, a coffee in his hand. I've never taken the time to evaluate him before, but he is quite a sight for sore eyes. So many piercings and tattoos covering every inch of his body, but a certain innocence possesses him.

"He's a big boy, I'm sure he'll get over it. I bet he's got plenty of girls all over him down under," he shrugs and I scoff.

"Course he will! He's bloody gorgeous, I've never denied that," I point out and Tyler hums.

"Doesn't always work like that though does it? Can't have the looks without the connection."

"So true," I hum, "it's just such a shame I had to lose him as a mate. I guess you shouldn't mix friendships with pleasure."

"It can be a cause for disaster," he agrees, "but then look at you and Van. You guys were friends before."

"Hardly," I scoff, causing for him to raise a brow, "we started more....explicit than friends."

"Ah so you mixed pleasure with love, some might say that's a cause for disaster too."

His comment makes me frown but I don't have time to dwell before his phone interrupts our conversation. He rushes me out of the door, walking over to his beat up old van that he's had for donkeys apparently. It suits him well enough, though it's messier than I would like. It also means that once we pick this random bloke up, I'm going to be squished in next to him on an awkward hour long drive, but anything for Van.

He's not what I expected. Maybe because he's friends with Tyler, I was expecting a big bulky tattoo lad with a nice smile. Instead, Johnny Bond is the most relaxed person I've ever met, a lopsided smile on his face that looks half arsed but also makes you feel at ease. On top of his unruly curly hair sits a felt cap that reminds me of something from the olden days. The structure to his face is admirable, not to mention the deep blue of his eyes, but I don't spend too long looking at him in case I give off the wrong impression.

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