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A/N: I know this isn't how they met Bond, and I know it's far from accurate. The story moves at its own pace outside of their lovely reality, to fit in with Kath and Van :)

"Coming to the party on Friday Kat?"

Larry slams himself into the booth, a smile on his face so wide you'd think the sun had personally given it to him. I manage to muster a small smile back and nod.

"Nice, looks like the numbers will be well up into the fifties," he gasses, looking to Gracie who nods excitedly.



My head snaps forward, looking to Larry and Grace again who are both staring at me worriedly. Next to me sits Bob, who clearly couldn't care less since he has his eyes fluttered closed himself.

"What?" I mumble.

"Shit Kath, I'm sorry," Larry sighs, reaching across to pat my shoulder, "I've been going off on one about this party when I should be checking in with ya about our Van."

"No please don't," I groan, "I'm fine Larry!"

They both look to me in uncertainty, even Bob pops his head up to give me a doubtful stare, I just roll my eyes and pray that they drop it, but they don't.

"I wouldn't be sad yet Kath," Bob says, "we all know Van has a temper. He'll be hot out of his head for a good few days and then he'll be wanting for ya again, no doubt in my mind."

"Yeah well I'm not so sure I'll be wanting for him at that point Bob," I admit, "he was a right arse the other night. After I linked him up with Johnny and all, such a state."

I slam the salt that I've been fiddling with down on the table, creating a loud sound that they all raise their eyebrows at, glancing to each other like I'm a pet at a zoo who's done something funny. I roll my eyes, mumbling something about going for a fag and leaving the table before anyone can want to come with me.

Gracie and I made up this morning when she came round with a coffee and a pack of Marlboro Golds for me. She claimed she wasn't gossiping and even had Larry there as defence, who had also apologised profusely and insisted he only told Van for advice about Faze. All in all, I'm never saying anything like that again to Grace while she's in this relationship with Larry. Neither of them are malicious people, but ditsy? A big fat tick.

"Alright mardy arse?"

Nathan walks up to the cafe, leaning next to me and lighting his own ciggie up. His chefs outfit always makes me giggle, a little patchwork apron that makes him look like a toddler and a cap that resonates a sailors.

"Marty will be fuming if he sees ya smoking out here," I scold and Nathan shrugs.

"I couldn't care less Kath, if he were gonna fire me, he'd of done it by now."

I scoff a laugh and silence overcomes us as we smoke.

"My Dads gonna be home in a few weeks," he says, and my heart skips a beat as I turn to him with a feigned crying face and he laughs.

"Trust me, I don't want to see him either. Expect a call from your ma, she'll probably be wanting you home for a roast."

"Nathan!" I whine, as if it's his fault, "tell him to stay wherever he is. He only causes trouble when he comes, Oliver always starts acting up!"

"I can't Kath, we get along no better than you two do," he shrugs helplessly and I sigh.

"Just what I need on top of Van."

"Oh please," Nathan scoffs, "you'll be back together in days trust me, if not maximum two weeks. Although, not to say I approve. He was a right twat around ya the other day."

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