Daytona 500 race

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Kelly texts Kasey that she's almost to the race track and that she has a surprise for him.
Kasey texts back okay see you soon. What kind of of surprise?
Kelly texts back you'll have to wait and see. Its a big one you will probably not be happy but I am happy about it.
Kasey texts back okay can't wait to see the surprise.

Kelly arrives 5 minutes later in a car that is not hers it's actually her boyfriend Connors car they drive up from Fripp island South Carolina where she and Connor bought a house in and moved into 2 weeks ago.

Kelly texts Kasey I'm here where should I meet you?
Kasey texts meet me by my pit box.
Kelly texts back okay be there shortly.
Kelly: so Kasey said I should meet him by his pit box.
Connor: okay. Anyways why haven't you told him about our relationship until you are about to very soon today?
Kelly: because my brother is over protective of me and I didn't want to tell him till I knew our relationship was stable enough where I could finally tell him.
Connor: okay makes sense.

Kelly and Connor walk up to Kasey's pit box

Kelly: hey Kasey.
Kasey jumps
Kasey: geeze Kelly you scared me.
Kelly: anyways Kasey I'd like you to meet the surprise. This is my boyfriend Connor Saeli he's from bachelor nation was on a season of the bachelorette and then went on bachelor in paradise season 5.
Kasey: OMG what! Kelly how long have you two been dating?
Kelly: 7 months.
Kasey: and you didn't think to mention it at some point in the last 7 months?
Kelly: I didn't tell you because you were busy with nascar and I didn't want to drop it on you. And also the reason I wasn't at Christmas party that moms side has was because..
Kasey: mom said you got covid and that you couldn't make it because of that.
Kelly: well she lied. I told her to just say that to you when I actually was on vacation in the US Virgin Islands in St. Thomas with Connor my boyfriend. Connor and I wanted to spend Christmas together just the two of us. So that's why mom told you that to cover up the real reason.
Kasey: I can't believe you missed the Christmas party with moms side just so you and your boyfriend Connor could go to St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands.
Connor sees Kasey is getting frustrated
Connor: hey Kasey, chill out! I love your sister dearly. I've never met a girl as nice, sweet, kind, and very loving as she is. She's literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. You just need to chill out.
Kelly: yeah Kasey. I love Connor more than anything. He is the nicest most kind hearted loving human being I've ever met.
Kelly and Connor kiss
Kasey: alright alright I'm sorry for getting frustrated Kelly. I'm glad to see that you have found your person.

Pre race ceremony
Kelly sees Riley Kaseys girlfriend of 3 years running up to the pit box area.
She climbs into the pit box and a sees Kelly and Kelly's boyfriend Connor that Kelly told her about 2 months ago via text
Riley: OMG hey Kelly I'm so glad you could make it. Also hey Connor I hope your treating my boyfriends sister right?
Connor: yes I have been. So much so that I actually bought her and I a house in fripp island South Carolina it's a ocean front house with three levels.
Riley: OMG congrats you two. When do you guys move?
Kelly: actually Riley we moved 2 weeks ago into the house and we combined my living room furniture with his bedroom furniture and still need to buy another living room set as there's two living rooms one on the third floor where the kitchen is with two bedrooms and one on the floor below with two bedrooms. I put my bedroom furniture in the non big room on the second floor which is also the front door floor.
Riley: wait why didn't you put it on the third floor in the second room on that floor??
Kelly: I need you to not say anything to Kasey about this cause he will probably flip if he hears it. Connor and I are expecting twins one boy and one girl.
Riley's jaw drops.
Riley squeals
Kelly: Riley I need you to cut that out please I don't need you making a big scene about it please I wore a long loose fitting dress so Kasey wouldn't notice my baby bump. Please don't say anything to him about it. I'm planning on waiting till the twins are born then posting about it. That's when he will find out.
Riley: when are you due?
Kelly: I'm due next Friday.
Riley: woah thats soon. Okay you have my word I wont tell him.
Kelly: thanks Riley.
Riley: your welcome

The race starts
Stage 1 winner: Ryan Blaney
Stage 2 winner: Ryan Blaney
Stage 3 winner: Ryan Blaney
Kasey finishes in 5th place.
After Kasey does his post race interviews
He goes to see Kelly but doesn't see her
Riley: there's my boyfriend who I love so much.
Kasey: where did Kelly go?
Riley: oh she and Connor left 20 minutes ago they needed to hit the road as Connor has a dentist appointment tomorrow at 10am. He is getting his wisdom teeth out on his top left  and bottom right and top right. He said they've been bothering him a lot and causing him pain in his mouth he's ready for them to go bye bye.
Kasey: so your saying they missed the end of the race?
Riley: yeah for in person but Kelly said she was going to pull up the race on her fox sports app and plug in her phone for car play and have her waze directions app up while the rest of the race was playing Audio in Connors car. Have you seen what Connors car looks like?
Kasey: no I haven't.
Riley: well Connor showed me when I was walking him and Kelly to his car. He has a Jeep Grand Wagoneer SUV it's a red color car.
Kasey: OMG yoke kidding right?
Riley: no I'm actually not Kasey.
Riley pulls up the picture she took of Connors car and shoes Kasey.
Kaseys jaw drops
Kasey: Oh my flipping gosh you weren't kidding. That's one nice car he has.
Oh and he said that he plans on buying Kelly a Cadillac Escalade. Kelly was puzzled and asked if he was just joking. He told her he is serious he's going to buy her one.
Connor is the CEO and owner of a marketing company called Saeli Marketing inc. His marketing company surpassed Evans Marketing Co on the marketing company quarterly rankings it basically put a stop to Evans Marketing Co which has had  a 7 year streak of being number 1 for every quarterly marketing company rankings. Kelly said she is proud of her boyfriend and his companies success. She also was shocked that Connor has chosen to use some of his profits from his marketing company on getting her a new SUV.
Kasey: wow that does sound like one successful marking company that her boyfriend Connor has.

Kelly Kahne (sister of Kasey Kahne) Where stories live. Discover now