Connor and Kelly divorce

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Kelly gets a call from her first love who she had a very hard time getting over who she thought was dead but turns out he was working for the USA government as a secret spy to take down 5 different mafias that are wanted by the USA government. He successfully completed the 5th one 2 days ago. So his duty was done.

Kelly: hello who's this calling?
Patrick: OMG Kelly. I can't believe it's you that is associated with this cell number.
Kelly recognizes the voice
Kelly: oh my gosh is this Patrick Jon Gibson my first love who dated me through middle and high school? Cause if it is you've got some explaining to do on how ur still alive as I was told you were dead. I took me 4 months to get over you.
Patrick: yes Kelly it's your first love. I am sorry you had to go through trying to get over me. I was hired by the Us government to go undercover as a secret spy to basically take down 5 mafia groups that were on the FBIs wanted mafia groups list. I finished the 5th one 1 week and two days ago. Then I looked up ur name on a phone number look up website and paid $1 to get your phone number.
Kelly: well you really hurt me. And by the way I still haven't gotten over you. I said 4 months to cover up the fact that I haven't gotten over you Patrick.
Patrick: wait you still love me after all these years?
Kelly: yes Patrick I do. I always have and always will. 1 year after I was told ur dead I met a guy and he and I have been married for 20 years and have 6 kids. We got into a huge fight last night. We have never fought like that in all 20 years of our marriage.
Patrick: tell me what happened I'm curious to know.
Kelly: well Connor Saeli my husband told my daughter Sierra after she came to me asking if she could go to a party at her boyfriends house he threw a start of school year huge party his parents are huge partiers. His dad is NASCAR driver Chase Briscoe and his mom is a social media influencer who has 149.1 million tik tok followers she's the most followed person on tik tok. Anyways her boyfriend Hayden's dad let him throw a party while his dad and mom were gone for the weekend. I told Sierra no I will not let her go to the party. So guess what she does after that?
Patrick: what does she do?
Kelly: she went to ask her dad. And she said I said no. She was expecting that he would say no like me but he said yes you can go, I want you to go and have a awesome time it's your senior year and deserve to have fun. I'll talk to your mom about it. After I came out of the bedroom after my relaxing bath. My other kids were outside with Connor enjoying the fire pit and I didn't see Sierra and I went to the house PA system and said Connor James Saeli get your butt into the master bedroom now. He got up and replied be right there. He said kids your mom is not happy right now by the tone of her voice so I have been summoned to the bedroom. I'll be back shortly he came in and I said where's Sierra? He then said Idk. Then I have a i don't believe you look then he said alright fine you caught me. Sierra came to me and said you said no to going to her boyfriends big party that his parents are letting him throw tonight. I told her yes she can go, and that I want her to go and have a awesome time because it's her senior year and she deserves to have the time of her life. Then my face got bright red color. I exploded in anger on him and then he was trying to knock sense into me on letting Sierra have the time of her life for her Senior year of high school. I couldn't take it anymore. I told him you know what Connor? He said what? I then said WERE THROUGH! His jaw dropped then he said what do you mean were through?? I said CONNOR IM FILING FOR DIVORCE ON YOU! I moved out of the house today. I am staying with my son Ben and his girlfriend Lily who's also Sierra's boyfriend Hayden's Sister. I told him what happened and Ben was pissed that his dad was being that way to me. He thinks what he did was wrong and Lily is beyond her self that her dad let her brother have a huge party but when she asked her senior year she was told no. So she's mad at her dad. Anyways I had the lawyer send the divorce papers to Connors email today which he did get them cause Sierra said Connor was in tears and she asked why he was crying and he explained everything then I tried to talk to Sierra but she said no I'm going to stop you right there. She then said I hate you mom! I hate you so much. I just want you out of my life forever and I never want to see you ever again. She hung up right after that.  So my daughter Sierra hates me! I cried for 1 hour after that.
Patrick: awe are you okay now Kelly?
Kelly: not really... I just want my first love back in my arms.
Patrick: where do you live now? Hometown or somewhere else?
Kelly: I used to live in Fort Meyers Florida but I now live in Tampa bay cause that's where Ben lives hes a Former NASCAR cup series driver his girlfriend Lily is pregnant with there first kid so after last season he retired from racing cause he didn't want to miss life's greatest moments with his kid on the way. Lily found out she is pregnant two weeks prior to the last race which is the championship race which Ben won that. Fans were shocked when the news of him returning from racing came out.
Patrick: wow, I just moved to Nashville Tennessee this past Saturday. I live in a one story farmhouse style house. I absolutely love it.
Kelly: thats awesome Patrick. I am pulling up waze directions app
Patrick: wait why?
Kelly: because I am going to drive to to Nashville. I have my first love back which is you, and I am never letting you go ever again.
Patrick's face lights up immediately.
Patrick: yay! I can't wait to kiss you all over your body the day you get here to Nashville and also show you how much I have missed having you in my life.
Kelly: I will be leaving at 4am to start heading to you. I can't wait till we're back in each others arms Patrick. I love you Patrick and have never stopped loving you. I can't wait for our forever life together. Can you send me your address?
Patrick: yes I can do that.
Patrick texts Kelly his address then sends it
Kelly: I just got your text with your address.
Patrick: okay good. Also I love you too Kelly. I have something crazy to ask you that I was going to ask you 20 years ago and had it picked out prior to being hired by the Us government for the secret spy job that paid a good salary and big bonus after I successfully took our one of the 5 most wanted Mafia groups. Hold on let me grab the item and FaceTime you.
Patrick rummages through his nightstand then pushes the FaceTime button. Kelly answers it and sees Patrick holding up a beautiful engagement  ring. He bought 20 years ago.
Kelly's jaw drops
Patrick: Kelly Elise Kahne, I have always loved you and will never stop loving you. I love you so so much Kelly. So Kelly will you marry me?
Kelly hold on Ben and Lily just got back from Lily's check up appointment for her baby bump.

Ben: mom who are you talking to I heard you talking to what sounded like a boy.
Kelly: oh Ben come sit there someone I'd like you to meet.
Ben sits.
Kelly: Ben this is Patrick Gibson my boyfriend from middle and high school who was my first love. Patrick can you explain to Ben about the secret work you did the last 20 years?
2 minutes later.
Ben: wow I didn't know that you two haven't gotten over each other. That's crazy.
Patrick: anyways Ben, your moms driving up to Nashville where I live tomorrow. She's leaving at 4am she told me. Also wanna know something?
Ben: sure go ahead and tell me.
Patrick: 20 years ago I was planning on proposing to your mom I had a ring bought and an idea of how I was going to propose to her. But then that all changed when the Us government offered me a job to work with the FBI as a undercover secret agent to kill all members of 5 most wanted mafias it took me 20 years to do it. I successfully completed killing the last one which was a son of the last mafia groups head leader 1 week and 2 days ago.
Ben: wow, are you going to ask her to marry you?
Patrick: I was in the process of doing that when your mom said you and your pregnant girlfriend Lily just got back cause she heard you two walk through the front door.
Ben: mom what did you say?
Kelly: well you walking in stopped me from my response which Patrick my response is yes. Yes I'll marry you Patrick. I love you so freaking much, can't wait for the day you get to call me Mrs. Kelly Elise Gibson which will also be aka your wife. Also it would be the day I get to call you Mr. Patrick Jon Gibson aka my husband.
Patrick starts shedding tears of joy.
Kelly: are those tears of joy or no?
Patrick: I am so freaking happy right now and to answer your question yes there tears of joy.
Kelly and Patrick talk for 4 more hours until sees its 7pm according to his phone time as he was FaceTiming Kelly via is Apple MacBook Air
Patrick: oh my gosh it's already 7pm. Well we should be done now with FaceTime as you my drop dead gorgeous fiancé need to get some sleep so you can be well rested for leaving at 4am to head to Nashville.
Kelly is in awe with what her fiancé just said.
Kelly: yep you got that right.  Anyways my lawyer said it will take 2 weeks for the divorce papers to be finalized and when that happens my divorce with Connor will be officially finalized. So technically two more weeks till In reality I can officially be known as a engaged women. But between you and me we can call each other fiancés. But only at home until my divorce is finalized with Connor.
Patrick: okay I get that. And we'll keep it to only at home for two weeks. See you tomorrow my love. Get some sleep.
Kelly: I will Patrick. See you tomorrow.
They then hang up. Then Kelly gets ready for bed and falls asleep.

Kelly Kahne (sister of Kasey Kahne) Where stories live. Discover now