luci what the fuck

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axl looks behind and....

luci fucking tases him, razzle cheers for luci while alyssa makes out with joan. raz fucking notices it and then runs to the stairs and sits.

axl yells at joan and alyssa to stop making out, and just go somewhere else. regan pulls axl’s rapunzel looking ass hair and tries dragging him to the basement.

“AXEY!” kurt screams, running towards axl and regan.

vecna fucking appears, telekinetically throws regan and saves the day then vanishes.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?” axl’s stupid ass voice cracks and olivia punches axl’s nose.

“what the fuck? :/” axl pouts so kawaiingly and stomps uwuly. olivia was so fucking weirded out they spat on axl’s face.

axl squeaks and twerks his way to the couch and turns on the tv and watches prom


axl ignores the question and does a foot reveal to the ppl in the room. alyssa kicks axl’s face awesomely and olivia sprays hairspray at his eyes.

“AUAHAHSUAHAHHAHWHW MAMA!” axl squeals, he quickly gets up and tries running to the kitchen but runs into the wall instead.

“this is who kurt is dating? embarrassing.” raz folds his arms and taps his foot cause wtf.

luci side eyes him and olivia just glares, the silence was so fucking loud in the room meanwhie joan and alyssa just continue on making out, wtf.

axl stubs his toe on the counter and screams quietly, it just came out as a squeak and everyone just starts laughing.

“i might kill you off for this.” raz mumbles and luci raises an EYEBROW. olivia watches axl squeal and giggles.

“YOU GUYS ARE THE WORSTTTT!” axl runs around looking for the kitchen, what a fucking idiot. axl panicks panics panicks panics because his eyes were stinging and he couldn’t see. kurt just left him be because he’s a ginger.

axl runs into the counter again and it hits his badussy. “RAAAUUGGGH!” axl screams so fucking loud raz almost went deaf.

axl rose x kurt cobain!!#!!#!##!!Where stories live. Discover now