11. Frode

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'Draw back!'



I was sitting under the shade of an enormous tree by the lake in the forest of Alrior and watching Frode and Ethan sparring with each other. After yesterday's patrols, we were given a free day to do whatever we want and many had chosen to go to the village and enjoy. I could just imagine sitting in a Henley's Bar and telling all the villagers what happened the night before and how we fought as they cheered.

But of course Ethan and I weren't able to join the others. Frode decided it was the best time for us to practice our skills with weapons and to practice how to draw strength from the Blessing
rather than letting it out in its original form, fire or water.

I watched as Ethan grunted and fell back but Frode advanced in raising his sword. Ethan was able to block Frode's sword the last minute and was able to get up to his feet again as he pushed Frode near the lake where he stood a better chance at drawing strength from the water.

Frode was still at an advantage here because last night Ethan very gracefully injured his left knee, making it hard for him put weight on that leg.

Somehow Frode lost his footing and Ethan took the chance to advance forward making Frode fall into the lake with a loud splash.

I gasped and ran toward them as Ethan laughed out, breathing hard.

'Sorry old man!' Ethan called out as we both watched Frode emerge from the water, gasping for breath. 'Didn't mean to do that.'

'You cheated, didn't you?' I asked him.

Ethan raised his hands in surrender. 'Of course you'd say that.'

'It almost looked like the water pulled him in.'

'He didn't cheat.' Frode said, removing his wet shirt and putting his sword aside.

I still didn't look conviced.

'Come on, Fire angel.' Ethan said, putting an arm around my shoulder. 'Learn to trust me a little. Especially if we are going to lead a war together.'

I elbowed him in the midriff and immediately he doubled clutching his stomachs and grunting in pain.

'You're sweaty and smell.' I wrinkled my nose. 'Maybe you need a dip in the water too.'

'So you can see me shirtless?'

'Shut up!'

Frode sighed. 'Stop it, both of you. Go back to the mansion and take a shower. We'll meet tomorrow.'

'So after we can confidently say we can control the Blessing in any situation, what are we foing to do?' I asked Ethan as we were making our way towards the mansion. 'I mean it's not like the King will hand us his armies saying hey I trust two sixteen year olds to lead my armies and wipe Darkness from this land forever?'

Ethan threw me an amused look. 'I doubt that will happen but Frode will take us to the King. Then I suppose we'll be expected to fight under crown prince after he takes the throne.'

'Frode can just go meet the King?' I frowned. 'Just like that?'

'Yes.' Ethan's eyes darkened. 'He was the General of the King's armies years ago. His most trusted knight. Then he was exiled from the castle for a crime he committed or a law he broke. No one knows for sure. It all happened when I was two.'

So Frode could make us his own pawns against the King, but he would be stupid to try because Ethan and I can overpower him any time we want unless he hold something over us. Maybe it's wise to show no weaknesses or any vulnerabilities with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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