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Techno remembered when his parents brought Tommy home from the hospital, the little baby had one little fluff of blonde hair and the biggest crystal blue eyes, he remembered his dad being happy that someone who had his features was born, Kristen playfully slapped his arm as Wilbur coddled Tommy.

Once Tommy was able to walk and talk, the family soon found out that the young boy had the exact personality of their mother.

Maybe that's why Techno ignored him, after the. . . Accident.




Now, he was listening to his father pace downstairs, mumbling something about protecting his baby boy.

Techno laughed, it lacked any sort of humour but he laughed, because when was Tommy ever their baby boy?

When he was born?

When he first walked?

When he first talked?

Before their mother passed?




Techno doesn't think that Tommy was ever meant to be 'theirs'.




When the family was younger and Tommy's hair had grown out, they would always joke about how he's a carbon copy of Phil, same hair, same eyes, same everything.

Except personality, of course. His mother took that spot.

Now, Techno can tell that he was never a carbon copy of his father, rather a design by his mother with the appearance of his father.

Now, Techno can tell that their hair was never the same, whilst Philza's hair was was straight and slightly spiky, Tommy's hair was fluffy and curly, whilst Philza's hair was Malibu blonde, Tommy's hair was golden blonde, whilst Philza's eyes were baby blue, Tommy's were crystal blue.

Everything that seemed to match with Philza was always a shade off, always a little bit to the side, never in the centre, never matching.




"God damn it." Techno grumbled, rubbing at his eyes as he heard his dad stutter on the phone, a grumble of frustration echoed through the house, the cold and lonely house.

There was once a time where Techno would find the noise annoying, where he would yell at his baby brother to shut up, where he would sneak into his room at night, mug of hot chocolate in his hand to try and apologise.

He remembered how Wilbur would rant about Tommy late into the night, how Tommy slowly seemed to become quiet and more distant, less willing to go to his brothers for help, he remembered how Wilbur would rant about Tommy refusing his help, he remembered how Tommy would shyly ask for help, he remembered when he saw Tommy crying outside his room, listening in on Wilbur's most recent rant about him.

He remembered Wilbur getting mad at him for being nosy.

He remembered Tommy not understanding what they wanted from him.

He remembered Wilbur wishing he was never born.

He remembered Tommy hiding away, not bothering any of them.

He remembered standing there and doing nothing.

See, Techno may seem like a saint to others who knew of Tommy's situation, the only family member who never truly harmed their youngest, but he is hardly any better.

On one hand, he could've talked things out and defended his little brother, he could've apologised sooner and pulled Wilbur's head out of his ass.

On the other hand, he didn't.

Sure, he could blame it on grief of losing his mother, but Tommy was much younger than all of them, not understanding that his mother won't be coming back from the stars, not understanding of how cruel the world could be. He shouldn't have been introduced to the real world so early in life, he should've been able to solve things on his own over time, instead of having them punch him in his face so quickly and permanently bruising him.

So no, Techno isn't the worst, but he also isn't the best.

"Too much fucking thinking." He mumbled, lying in bed and pulling out his phone, aimlessly scrolling through Napstagram, liking the pictures his friends uploaded before he set down his phone and groaned.

"He wouldn't. . ." He muttered, tapping his finger on the edge of the bed as he slowly reached out for his phone, opening Napstagram again and tapping the search bar. Nervously, he typed in 'JSchlatt' and tapped enter, watching as his screen froze for a second before popping up with Schlatt's Napstagram page.

A sigh of relief.

He tapped Schlatt's account, ignoring his half-assed, and frankly, hilarious description as he scrolled a little further down, thumb freezing over an image he wasn't sure he was happy or terrified to see.

The image was Tubbo and Tommy, wrapped up in blankets leaning against eachother, Tommy cuddled up to Tubbo's side as one of Tubbo's arms lay protectively around him as he leaned into his father, who had his arm wrapped around the two of them, smiling softly.

"Almost like a father would." Techno bitterly thought to himself as he read the caption.

'With the boys. ❤️'

"Of course that's the caption Schlatt chose." He mumbled, smiling somewhat fondly before he scrolled back to the image and stared at it, nothing about it was right.

Instead of Schlatt laying an arm around Tommy it should be Phil, instead of Tubbo 'protecting' Tommy it should be him, instead of Tommy cuddling into Tubbo it should be Wil.

Nothing about the image was correct.




Or maybe the image was already correct, maybe Tommy was already with his family and Techno should mind his own business.

"God damn it." He thought to himself, rubbing his head as he put the phone down, climbing out of bed an approaching Wilbur's room.

They needed to talk.

———— ———— ———— ————

Some TechnoBlade interlude for y'all because my man has been avoiding angst-

I wanted to focus on this as Techno acknowledging his problems and choosing to act on them, because Techno is a victim to this himself (they all are) but he unconsciously let his anger out on Tommy when he chose to not defend him from Wilbur and let him endure the harsh treatment he was getting, however he was dealing with the loss of his mother and grieving in his own way (though that doesn't entirely excuse his actions)

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