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Tubbo doesn't remember too much after Tommy was taken to hospital, he remembers crying, he remembers crying in Ranboo and his dad's arms as they watched the ambulance drive away, he remembers being carried and sat down, he remembers slowly falling unconscious and waking up to the city lights flying by him, he remembers feeling guilty for crying himself to sleep.

"Tommy needs you." He thought to himself, slapping his face a bit as he woke up, ignoring the worried look Ranboo gave him.

"Wait, Ranboo?" Tubbo turned around in time to see Ranboo in the backseat of the car, sat next to him as he tapped his foot on the car seat. Tubbo shook his head and looked back outside, slumping his chin in his hand as multiple offices and restaurants passed by him, the scenery slowly changing as they neared the hospital.

"Alright, we're here." Schlatt announced, stretching his back until a satisfying ccrraacckkk could be heard before hopping out the car, dried up tear marks stained his cheeks.

"W- where?" Tubbo asked, rubbing his eyes groggily as Ranboo replied.

"T- the hospital Tommy was sent to. . ." Ranboo's voice came out shaky, as if he was on the verge of tears again. Tubbo couldn't blame him, he too felt like crying all over again, he was just too tired to be able to.

"Yep, c'mon kids, let's go." Schlatt mumbled, hooking an arm over the two's shoulders, hugging them close as they entered the building, ignoring the pitying stares of doctors and other patients as they entered, hair dishevelled and tear marks staining their cheeks.

"God, Tommy would throw a fit if he were here. . ." Tubbo grimly thought to himself, a sad smile crept across his face as they approached the front desk, Schlatt drumming his fingers over the top as he waited for the receptionist to finish his call.

"How can I help you?" The man asked, curly ginger hair bobbing up and down as he pushed his glasses up his nose, slightly hiding his dark eye bags.

"Yes, uhm is Thomas Watson here?" Schlatt asked, eyes filled with hope as the receptionist looked through their files on the computer.

"Uhh, yes, he's in the emergency ward, room 103." The receptionist replied, pointing down the hall as the trio rushed through the corridors, eyes flicking between looking for signs and watching where they were going.

"No, no, no, no, n- BINGO!" Schlatt cheered, calming down a bit when he realised how bad it use look for him to be cheering outside the emergency ward.

"We found the ward, now for room 103." Ranboo muttered, walking down the corridor until they came across a private room, Hearst stopping as they took in the sight.

A ventilation machine was set up next to Tommy, multiple tubes and wires attached to him as an oxygen mask was placed over his nose and mouth, an IV machine was set up on the opposite side of the ventilator, and his face and arms were wrapped in bandages, hiding his face from onlookers.

"Shit." Tubbo cursed, walking up to the door and swinging it open, not waiting for the other two as he pulled up the comfiest chair and set it next to Tommy, trying his best to ignore the beeping of the machines as he carefully took his friend's hand, shakily rubbing a thumb over his knuckles as tears brimmed his eyes.

"Hey, Tubbo. . ." Ranboo mumbled, pulling up another chair and sitting next to him, grabbing his forearm as an act of comfort, turning his head to look at Tommy, breath stuttering when he remembered the state he's in.

"He. . . He'll be fine. . . Right?" Tubbo asked, bringing his head up to look at Schlatt, who was sat on the other side of Tommy's bed.

"I. . . Yeah, he'll be fine, kid's a fighter, I mean, he's probably already planning how he's gonna insult the driver." Schlatt joked, sucking in a breath when the beeping of the knitters faltered for a second.

"What will we do when Phil and the others gets here?" Ranboo spoke up, squeezing Tubbo's arm a bit as they all contemplated.

On one hand, the family had indirectly caused Tommy's accident, on the other hand, Techno made a great attempt to stop the others from ruining the day for Tommy.

"I think we'll have to talk to them." Schlatt mumbled, gently grabbing Tommy' s other hand, rubbing circles in his palm as Tubbo spluttered.

"But- they're assholes! Why should we have to talk to them?" The boy asked, straightening his back to look at his father.

"I know, Tubs, but they already witnessed one family member hit by a car in the past, and thought Tommy doesn't see them as family, they still need some form of closure." He paused for a few seconds before speaking again. "And a huge wake up call." Tubbo just nodded as he squeezed Tommy's hand, grounding himself a bit before letting go and grabbing Ranboo's arm.

"Hey, you o- OW" Ranboo yelped as Tubbo squeezed his arm with all his might, the veins in his hands bulging before he settled down again and took Tommy's hand with upmost care.

"What was that for?" Ranboo whined, rubbing his arm as Tubbo shrugged.

"I dunno, I needed to squeeze something." He replied, smirking a bit as Ranboo shuffled his chair away from Tubbo, mumbling something about being a biter as a child.

"Oh, he was." Schlatt informed him, laughing when Tubbo glared at him.

"I'll bite you." He threatened, causing for Schlatt and Ranboo to laugh more before responding.

"You already have! Where do you think I got these scars from?" The older man asked, giving the two an all too serious look as Tubbo turned an embarrassing shade of red and Ranboo was gasping for air.

"Y- you literally s- scarred him!" The taller boy fell back into a fit of giggles, gripping onto the chair as he calmed down.

"Okay, I think I'm ca-"

The door burst open, silencing Ranboo as Dream and the other art members frantically looked around, eyes landing on Tommy. . . And then Ranboo, who fell to the floor in fright.

"Uhhh. . . You okay Ranboo?" Foolish asked, kneeling down to help the boy back onto his chair.

"Nah, leave him, he deserves it." Tubbo spoke up, hissing when Ranboo kicked him.

"Okay, ignoring the furry in the room," Dream spoke up ignoring Tubbo's protests about how he is not a furry. "Is everyone okay?" Everyone looked around the room before silently nodding, eyes landing on Tommy as they pulled up their own chairs, some members shared a chair whilst others sat on the floor.

"Yeah, the doctor said that they'd come to talk to me about his condition soon." Schlatt spoke up, breaking the echoing silence as Puffy tilted her head in confusion.

"But I thought that kind information was left for. . . Well, biological family, unless he's been adopted?" She asked, snickering when Sam's head snapped up.

"Nuh, Uh, I'm adopting him Schlatt." The man said matter of factly, crossing his arms when Schlatt laughed.

"You wish, I've known the kid longer, so logically I should get to take care of him." Schlatt pointed to himself, gleaming in triumph when Sam quietened down, mumbling curses under his breath.

"Yeah, yeah, boys. But remember who he trusted the most to open up to?" Puffy asked, pointing to Dream who gleamed with pride as they exchanged smug looks.

"And who's my mother?" Dream asked, pointing to Puffy as they snickered at the sour expressions the two men gave them.

"Battle to the death?" Tubbo spoke up, cracking his knuckles as Ranboo scurried out the way.

Bad was about to say something when he noticed someone outside, immediately standing up from the floor, he gestured out the window.

"Maybe take this battle to the death out on some other people?" He suggested, watching as everyone in the room turned around to face the trio outside.

"Oh, game on."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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