Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line And Life (Part 2)

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Later that School Day,

Matt, Scott, and Stiles walk out of the school as it ended. The three were talking about the events that happened earlier, "So what am I exactly going to do now that I'm not gonna play Saturday, huh?" Scott asked them.

Matt and Stiles scoffed at his question, "Same thing you did every Saturday..." Matt told him.

Stiles then at Scott, "Practice and sit inside your room... And stay in there." Stiles ordered.

Scott groaned in annoyance when suddenly Stiles put his hands up to stop them both, "What the-" Scott was interrupted by Stiles pointing in front of them. Matt and Scott looked in the direction Stiles was pointing, leaving them both with wide eyes. It was Nick. He was leaning against his 1989 Land Cruiser with his arms crossed and giving a serious expression. They three of them knew why he was there, and it wasn't to pick up his little brother.

Stiles gulped, "Is it just me, or is he more intimidating as usual?" Stiles asked them. Scott and Matt immediately nodded their heads as Stiles looked at them for confirmation. Nick then got into his car and waited, "So... I'm gonna take my truck... Scott's gonna take his bike... aaand we're gonna follow you guys... Good luck dude." Stiles joked as Scott and Stiles patted his arms before finally walking off, leaving Matt staring at them with his mouth wide open as they left. He looked back at Nick, who was still waiting. matt took a deep breath then walked towards the car.

Matt hopped into the car and smiled awkwardly at his brother. Nick started up the car and began pulling out, "They're following?" he asked Matt.

Matt looked out of the window to see Stiles and Scott giving a thumbs up. Matt waved his hand awkwardly, then looked back at his brother, "...Yep." he answered.

"Good." Nick replied. They all drove off into town.

At a diner,

Matt, Stiles, Nick, and Scott were all sitting in a diner as Nick drank his coffee. The three sat on the opposite side of Nick of the table as they watched him in silence, "... So you guys want an explanation, I'm guessing?" Nick asked them.

Matt mouth fell open in shock as the 3 looked at each other in disbelief, then back at Nick, "Yes!" the 3 exclaimed in unity.

Nick sighed and put his coffee down as he began to explain, "Sorry for the wait. It takes a lot of getting used to learning about these types of stuff. And It doesn't exactly go well when I tell them." Nick explained. The 3 nodded their heads, showig they were listening. Nick looked at Matt and continued, "Matt.You remember that... thing that attacked you the other day? You remember what he called you?" Nick asked.

"Uhh. Kinda hard to forget. He called me a Grimm. I'm guessing you know what that is." Matt assumed.

Nick nodded his head, "You're right. It's because I'm a Grimm too." Nick answered.

Stiles popped into the conversation, "You still haven't explained what that is yet, so it's gonna be hard to... have something to say." Stiles told him.

Nick simply stared at Stiles, making him shut up and continued talking, "Matt. I told you it basically my job and your's to hunt monsters, but it's more than that. Our entire bloodline has had the same problem you've had. You've been... seeing things. Right? Things other can't? Seeing them...change?" Nick asked Matt. Matt nodded his head and Nick continued, "That comes with the name. Grimms have a special ability, The ability to see these things. See these monsters, or what they're actually called, Wesen." Nick explained. He then looked at Scott, "That's what you are." he told Scott, who was just processing what they're being told.

"Wesen?" Stiles repeated.

Nick nodded his head, "That's what we've called them. There's many out there. There's actually quite a lot in this town too." Nick told them. They immediately began to get worried. Nick noticed, "Don't worry. It's a small town. Most wesen here are peaceful. You know Monroe and Rosalee?" Nick asked them, making them nod, "Monroe's a werewolf too... a different type of werewolf. There's three different types of werewolves. (if you vuys think I accidentally misspelled three. I didn't. Teen Wolf and Grimm won't be the only crossover for this series ;))" Nick took a sip of his coffee as confusion and shock was plastered across Matt's face.

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