Be A Werewolf

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Decided to start giving actual names for the chapters.

Matt, Scott and Stiles were in Stiles' Jeep on their way to Beacon Hills High School. Matt and Stiles sat in the 2 front seats with Scott in the back. They both had gotten a call from Scott and he caught them up on everything. Stiles then picked both of them up.

Apparently, Derek tied Deaton up at the clinic, because he thinks he's the werewolf they're after. Apparently Nick was there too, which Matt very much wasn't happy about.

"You think we should call Adalind?" Scott asked.

Matt shook his head, "No. This doesn't have anything to do with her." he replied. 

Stiles widened his eyes from shock, "Okay..."

They parked in the parking lot of the high school. The 3 then exited the car and slammed the doors shut before they walked up to the back/trunk of the car. Stiles turned to Scott as Matt opened the trunk, "This is a terrible idea." he told him as Matt began scratching through the trunk.

"Yeah, I know." Scott replied as he glanced back and forth between the school and Stiles. 

"But we're still gonna do it??" Stiles questioned as if Scott was insane.

"Can you think of something better?" Scott asked as Matt popped his head back out of the trunk and with stuff in his hands. 

He had a wire and bolt cutter as he turned to Stiles, "He had a point there." he said as he stepped back and shut the trunk.

"Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away..." Stiles said as he pushed his hand to the side, physically showing what he said.

"Guess that's how Lydia's dealing with you then." Matt joked with a smile, making Stiles simply glare at him.

Scott rolled his eyes, "Just make sure we can get inside." he said. Matt handed the wire of Stiles as Scott looked back at a car coming up to them, "They're here." he told them, making them immediately look at the car. 

Derek and Nick.

The 3 walked over to the car as Derek and Nick got out from the 2 front seats. Scott noticed there was no sign of his boss, Deaton, "Where's my boss?" he asked.

"He's in the back." Derek said tiredly.

Scott leaned forward to peek through the back mirror as Stiles walked around Scott to look as well, "You know Juliette isn't gonna be too happy you did this." Matt told his older brother.

"Don't tell her. I wanna do it myself." he replied. Matt huffed then leaned forward to look through the window for Deaton. He had duck tape around his mouth and was knocked out, "Oh, well, he looks comfortable." Stiles commented sarcastically as Scott stood back up straight and began walking off towards the school's entrance with Matt and Stiles following behind him.

"Wait, hey-" Derek called out, making the 3 boys stop and look back at him. "What are you doing?"

"You said I was linked with the Alpha..." Scott replied before he turned around and paused to look at the school with Stiles and Matt already beginning to walk towards it, "...I'm gonna see if you're right."

Nick and Derek stared worryingly at the trio before looking back at each other, "Those kids are gonna kill themselves." Derek said.

"Let's hope not." Nick replied before he leaned back against the car.

Derek then walked in front of him, "What about Elijah? You tell him about this?" he asked.

Nick scoffed, "No chance in hell."

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