Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 8)

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Matt and Adalind stared at each other intensely when suddenly they heard Stiles yelling from the bathroom, "Hey Matt! We could use a little help here!". Matt looked away from Adalind as she continued to smirk to herself. Matt got up to see when the commotion was about as Adalind turned around on her spinning chair to watch him leave.

Matt rushed inside the bathroom to see Stiles attempting to swat away the bees with a cloth when suddenly the blinds of the window the bees were interring from fell. Stiles quickly handed Matt another towel and he looked at the window before he attempted to shut it. Stiles saw and commented, "It won't budge!" he yelled, continuing to swat away the bees.

Matt realized Nick and Hank weren't with Stiles and turned to him to ask, "Where the hell is Nick and Hank?".

"They're dealing with the bees in the kitchen!" Stiles replied. Matt looked at him with a surprised look which he noticed, "Yeah. They got in through there too.".

In the meantime, Adalind suddenly heard her phone ring. She took it out of her pocket to see who it was. It was listed as "Unknown". She sighed, knowing who it probably was before she put it against her ear and faced the wall, opposite of the large window behind her. "Hello, who is this?" she asked.

"Why Ms. Schade, I honestly expected you to know by now considering I call you every week." the other man said. His voice was cold, yet calm and formal.

Adalind rolled her eyes as a slight smile appeared, "You're probably right. Know why are you calling me?" she asked.

"I simply called to ask if the Grimm and Alpha situation has been dealt with." he answered.

"It's got complicated. The vampires you sent here apparently didn't make it. Whatever this Alpha is... he's strong." she said.

The man couldn't believe it, "That's impossible. The vampires I sent were some of the oldest vampires I know." he replied, still keeping his calm and formal tone.

"Exactly why I say, 'he's strong'. The Alpha also got himself a Beta. Scott McCall, but you don't have to worry about him." she said, before leaning over, "And I found something else about the Grimm." she added.

This quickly peaked his interest, "What may that be?" he asked.

"Apparently Nick's BROTHER, yes he has a brother, he is a Grimm too." she added.

"...And that's supposed to worry me how exactly?" he replied.

"Well maybe it's the fact you now have TWO Grimms on your hands, meaning I have 2 kill TWO Grimms AND an Alpha, which was not part of the deal... Elijah." she said.

Elijah let out a sigh, "I am aware of the deal we made, Adalind. I was there. But considering there are now two Grimms, a Hale, a beta, a couple of hunters and especially you after this Alpha, I would say the Alpha situation is pretty much handled. But of course, our deal was for you to kill Nick Burkhardt. If you believe you cannot handle 2 Grimms then-"

"I can! I'll do it..." Adalind quickly cut in. Elijah smiled as Adalind continued, "But I can't do much right now." she said.

"Why's that?" he asked her.

"A Mellifer's on my tail. The other Hexenbiest in town are dead. The Burkhardts and 2 other guys are 'keeping me safe'... Honestly it's kind of ironic." she said with a smile. Suddenly, she began to notice the light in front of her begin to be engulfed in a black shadow.

On the other end, Elijah could hear her breathing intensify, "Adalind, what's wrong?" he asked.

She got up and turned around. Her eyes widened in fear as she froze, "...They found me."

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