Tragic Past

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A vision? What... am I seeing...?

I was witnessing war. A man was lying on the ground, with a spear of light was aimed at his heart. His face was covered in blood, but I could not see it clearly, but from what I could make out was his eyes. They were bright red eyes. Just like the color of blood. Above him, stood a woman. Her hair was white, and she had soft green eyes. Her eyes shone in the moonlight, with blood trickling down her side. She had a spear formed oflight in her hands, pointed at the man's chest, apparently aiming for the heart. He smiled wickedly. Death. The woman was unfazed by his wicked smile, as she stabbed his heart, burying the spear deeper into his chest. The man spat out blood, still smiling, as the light from his eyes faded, giving away into the dark.

The room dropped.

Another scene?  Infront of me, was a house. A typical house in Ictal, known as the COI (City Of Light) and the same women as before appeared again. This time, she was standing in front of the house. It was evening I think, and she was carrying a few bags in her hands. She was moving towards the house, slightly opening the gate, an opening small enough for her to enter. I followed her, but stopped before the gates. I knew that I would disturb her if I make a sound, so I reconsidered. 

You're a shadow, viewing nothing but past events. An unfamiliar voice spoke. 

"Who's there?" I asked.

Silence. Even the women did not react. 

Only a shadow viewing the past. Basically I was a ghost viewing history. 

Something was off.  Something was going to go wrong. I was sure of it. 

I wished that I was wrong. I caught a glimpse of what seemed like four shadowy figures. Each one of them holding a black blade, radiating with flame-like energy.  I couldn't make out their faces, but I knew immediately that they were up to no good. As if sensing that I noticed them, the figures dissolved into the shadows, slithering towards the house. I tried to move, but couldn't. I looked at my legs. My legs were trapped

The scene changed again. Now, the woman was in the house. An odd aroma attacked my nose. It was abnormal. Not like rotten food- rather

It can't be, could it? I thought. Is it...

I did not want to believe it. 

A bloodcurdling scream shot through the whole house. It was the woman. Her green eyes were ghosted. Blank. No... It was bloodlust... So I was right- it was the smell of flesh. Blood. Her whole body shook. Not by fear- but sadness, yet the murderous intent of hers was not undetected. But why? I looked down. Three bodies lay on the floor. Three kids. They mustn't have been older than 16. It was a terrible sight. 

Suddenly, all the lights were cut off.

A sinister chuckle boomed through the halls, followed by the woman screaming in rage.

The room dropped for the last time.

"Do you see?" a voice asked. 

I stood silent. Rooted to the spot. I tried to speak, but couldn't. My soul was sinking. That voice... it does not seem friendly; however, I didn't sense any intent to kill.

I finally found my voice, ""

"You're not ready." the voice said, "now, do you understand our nature? The dark element users' natures? However, you're too pure. I cannot grant you the powers this element posses. It is too dangerous for pure souls to harvest, and I hate nothing more than pure souls."

Then, a huge figure loomed above me. The room was too dark, but I felt a pair of bloodshot eyes staring down at me. A shiver slithered down my spine. Was this Satan standing before me? The embodiment of fear- or perhaps death? I couldn't dare speak, one wrong word and it would cost me my life.

"Do you?" the voice asked.


"Hmm. Figured as much. As expected of Hope's son. She was a great warrior. Bestowed the powers of light. Her name still makes us shiver. Now look where that led her. Murdered by mere humans. Hilarious, is it not? It's a shame that the great powers of the dark element is to be given to this disgraceful-"

"One more word. One more word and you're dead. Be it you're Satan himself or whoever. One more word about my mother and it'll be your last." I said coldly. Bloodlust clear in my voice. The looming figure before me chuckled.

"Now that's more like it. More. Show me more! Let it all out, boy! Give me all your bloodlust, or do you not have any? Raised with those false beliefs of yours. Killing is wrong. Don't make me laugh. You are as easy to read as a scroll. Now I know you can handle it. However, we are to talk when you're ready to harvest your core. The source of your powers. Find it, and we shall speak again."

Before I could speak, the whole room went black. My vision blurred out, and felt myself passing out.

Not again... 

Nothing I experienced in those last minutes was real, I had hoped. I had no idea I had just entered a whole new world. A new life was waiting for me. Better or worse? I have to see for myself.

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