Chapter 9

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"Come on, D. I wanna see our friends," I said while pulling Draco onto the train. 

It was a week after the Quidditch World Cup and Draco and I had just said goodbye to our parents. 

I was walking down the train, looking into each compartment to try and find Daphne and Pansy. 

I finally found them towards the back of the train. Daphne, Pansy, and Blaise were sitting on one side and Theo was alone on the other, leaving two seats for Draco and I.

"Hey Lia, how was your summer," Daphne asked.

"It was fine, how was your holiday," I replied.

"Well, Italy was so beautiful. I actually ran into Blaise there and spent some time with him."

"How was your summer, Dracy Poo? You sure got even cuter," Pansy said.

"Lovely. I spent it all with Natty," Draco snarkily replied.

Pansy rolled her eyes at Draco, annoyed that he hadn't spent any time with her.  She hated how close him and I were, she always had.

I chatted with the group for most of the train ride until I fell asleep while laying my head on Draco's shoulder.

Daphne woke me up later on to have us get changed into our robes before arriving at Hogwarts. 

Pansy went into the first open changing compartment while Daphne and I waited for others to open.

"So, you spent your entire summer with Draco," Daphne asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look, we're just friends."

"Oh come one, it's so obvious that he's in love with you. He spent his entire summer with just you."

"Shush, Pansy can probably hear you, we'll talk about this later."

Daphne smirked at me dodging her comment and opened her mouth to say something else, but a compartment opened up and I rushed in it quickly to avoid Daphne saying anything.

Once I was done changing, I went back to the original compartment where Crabbe and Goyle had now joined the group.

"...and then he slammed the compartment door! I can't believe I riled Weasley up that much," Draco said as I was entering the compartment. 

"What about Weasley," I asked.

Draco glanced up at me and a mixture of guilt and fear came across his face.

"Uh, nothing about him, Natty. I haven't seen Weasley since the World Cup."

"Mate, you were just saying that you talked to him in-."

"Shut it, Blaise. I was just saying that I passed their compartment," Draco snapped.

"That's what I thought," I replied and then sat next to Draco again. 

A few moments later, the train came to a stop and everyone started flooding out of their compartments and off the train.

Draco placed his hand upon my back and guided me so we wouldn't get lost from each other.

We got off the train and into one of the horseless carriages that would take us up to Hogwarts. Draco and I sat next to each other as Pansy and Daphne were across from us.

Draco slung his arm across my shoulder and made himself comfortable. Both of the other girls noticed this and had a reaction. 

Daphne winked at me as Pansy scowled and looked the opposite way.

"This is going to be an exciting year with the upcoming tournament," Draco said to no one in particular.

No one really responded to him so he didn't say anything else. The short ride seemed to be taking forever as we all sat in uncomfortable silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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