Chapter 2

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As the carriage bounced along the road, I glanced out the window taking in the scenery. It was very lovely and beautiful. After about a 20 minutes ride, we finally arrived at Malfoy Manor.

The carriage stopped at the gates and let us out to walk up the driveway. I grew more anxious with every step I took. I was worried that Draco wasn't going to like me, or I was going to fall while dancing.

The front doors eventually came into view and we walked up the big stone steps. Father knocked on the door three times and waited until a little elf came to the grand door.

"Hello, sir, you must be the Rosewoods! Welcome to the party, please come inside." The house elf opened the door wider and a huge entrance with lights and decorations was revealed. There were loads of people in the entrance greeting each other.

I trailed behind my mum and dad while they said hello to people and introduced me. "Ah, there you are Nick, I have been looking for you for a few minutes." A tall man with slicked back blonde hair came up and greeted father.

"Hello, Jessica, you look gorgeous as always," as he said this, he picked up mother's hand and placed a light kiss on it. He then turned to me and said, "And you must be Y/n. Please meet my son, Draco."

A boy who looked very similar to the man standing in front of me walked closer. "Hello there, you look quite pretty this evening. I'm Draco Malfoy." He stuck his hand out to shake mine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/n Rosewood." I slightly blushed as I shook his hand, I didn't know what was overcoming me.

"Now, why don't you two go hang out somewhere or even dance together. Lucius and I have some business matters to discuss at the time," my dad said while glancing around the room. "Jessica, there's Narcissa if you want to go gossip with her like girls do."

My father and Lucius shared a chuckle after my father said that. I turned to Draco and asked, "Well, what shall you like to do?" He seemed to be thinking very hardly about this as the songs from the ballroom changed.

"This happens to be my favorite song. Would you like to dance with me?" Draco slightly grabbed my hand and I shook my head and began walking to the ballroom.

He immediately took the lead and we danced for what felt like hours. I was having so much fun with Draco already. We kept giggling while dancing and cracking jokes about the older people.

As the next song ended, Draco said, "Would you like me to get you something to drink? I'm very parched myself." I began to speak when someone ran into me. "Oy, Zabini watch where you're going. You almost knocked Y/n here on her bottom."

Draco called another boy over near us. "My apologies, Y/n. I'm Blaise, by the way. Blaise Zabini." The boy winked at me after he finished speaking. "It's nice to meet you, Blaise. Oh and yes, I would like something to drink, Draco."

"Okay, just stay here with Blaise and I'll be right back." Draco left the ballroom and walked down a hallway. "So, Y/n, why are you at this party and how did you meet Draco?"

Blaise began to ask me questions about my personal life and we just kept talking until Draco returned. "Here you go, Y/n. I also brought a drink for you too, Blaise." Draco handed each of us a drink.

"Thank you," Blaise and I said in return. After I finished my drink, my parents walked up to me and informed me that we were getting ready to leave to go back to our Manor.

"Well, goodbye, Draco. It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you for dancing with me, I had a lot of fun. Goodbye, Blaise. It was nice getting to know you well. I hope to see you both at Hogwarts."

As I started walking out of the ballroom, Draco yelled after me, "Y/n, wait! Let me walk you out." He hooked his arm around mine and walked me to the entrance hall where we found both of our parents speaking.

"Hello, Draco, hello, Y/n. We have some news for the both of you. Tomorrow, Narcissa will be taking Draco over to your manor to go to Diagon Alley with you and your mother, Y/n. You guys are going shopping for school supplies together."

Draco and I looked at each other with a look of surprise and excitement as my father said this. Neither of us could wait to go tomorrow.

I bid my goodbyes to Draco and his parents and walked out of the manor to the carriage. "So, did you have a good time with Draco tonight?"

My face grew red as I said, "Yes, I had a very lovely time with him tonight. I can't wait to see him again tomorrow."

My mum and dad chuckled at my response and the carriage took off back to our home




A/n: This is the last chapter I am writing for tonight, I hope you enjoyed it. Again, leave some comments legit about anything and have a wonderful night! ♡

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