⁠✿Part 8✿

71 0 7

Fandom: foolish gang 

Au name: Galix AU

Inspiration: Violent dreams by Crystal Castle

Ships: MemesForB (Memey X SocksFor1 X Blaza)

"I won't hurt you. . . Trust me. . . Pleaze"


It all ztarted when I crazhed in a planet called Eaurth. I think. . . Ztill to this day I don't know thiz planet'z name.

And zome people called zcientistz and took me from my zhip into this room with ztome wallz. One zcientistz comez and checkz up on me every day. I think hiz name iz Meme or zomething like that. He iz zomething called a doctor and helpz the zick or hurt. 

I'm planning my ezcape from here but I don't know where to go. Maybe somewhere cloze by zo I can come back and help otherz ezcape from here. Zpeaking of otherz I saw another Zulon zimilar to me I don't know their name but their kind of cute. . . Zhut up brain. Anyway they have an orso felpa and blonde hair and the zame green and black tentaclez their head is floating like mine but you can barely tell because of the felpa. I don't have any more information but I will try to get more soon.

 Zockz out.

Some art I made 

Some art I made 

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(225 words)

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