I want to make this a comic

28 3 2

Fandom: none

Title: Scissor bug 

Inspiration: none

Other: slay with the gay 💅💅💅💅

Nikki Cantino was experiment 3-27S-823        Aug 23 escaped

 Nikki is a 16 year old girl with extreme Stahl's ear. Very energetic and friendly, will communicate with staff. Her experiment was performed in her brain ,hence the stitches along her head ,it failed. The experiment allows her to be easily manipulated and effected her senses mainly her sense of sight and hearing. Later experiments showed limited amount of physical aging(lack of physical attributes that could accommodate aging). 

The facility that held Nikki broke down due to "rouge creatures" and left the experiments in the abandoned facility. One of them being Sally. . .

Sally Dally Mari is experiment 21-1112D       Left in facility 

Nicknamed scissor bug. She is a 17 year old girl. Very quiet, was nice but turned colder in escape02 when she lost her plush rabbit but was still compliant. Her experiment involved adding parts of a black widow spider. This experiment was partly a success and she now has attributes similar to a spider. Her room needs regular cleaning due to her throwing up web during panic attacks and tantrums. She has been issued therapy and has seen improvement emotionally and physically. She had been training her abilities. If she gets better we can use her to fight in the army.


I want to make it a comic :)

(230 words)

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