the get away (chapter 5)

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Andra's pov

It's my birthday i'm blessed to see another year (38) me and the kids pack our bags to go out of town for my birthday

Kay walks in my room "happy birthdayyy tooo your Mommy happy birthdayyy tooo youuu! " Hitting every high note every time

"Thank you babygirl" I said we all came downstairs we got in the limbo that was outside the house , the driver opened the doors for us and I took our bags and put them in the trunk. He got in the limbo and he drove us to las Vegas it was a long ride me and the girls fell asleep

Kay's pov

I woke up and couldn't believe my eyes mommy Shirley liyah and khiya and grace were still sleep but we were in Vegas and we are to turn up with mommy purrr purrr . You wouldn't believe who else is with us it's tre 😘🩸

Back to andra's pov

I woke up to Kay singing and taking pictures of how cute Vegas was when we got to where we were going he opened the door for us I woke the rest of the girls plus tre we got out got our bags and went inside of the air BNB . When I tell you it was so clean in there and sooo nice 🙂 we put our bags in the room where we were sleeping at

We changed our outfits into some cute

My outfit :

Kay's outfit:

Khiya's outfit:

Shirley outfit:

Liyah outfit :

Zuriah's outfit:

Grace outfit :

After we all got dressed we went out to eat at this fancy restaurant 😁 after we were done with that we went to a indoor pool/ water park what can I say we had a good ass time we stayed for 3 hours then we went back to the air BNB when we got back there every body was tired so we changed did our hygiene stuff then went to bed .

The week after

Andra's pov

I woke up sick and not feeling well I had sharp pain in my stomach I got out of the bed ran into the bathroom and started throwing up . After awhile it stopped I woke everybody up cs it was time to go back home. Everybody packed we cleaned the air BNB back how it was then we left to head back to LA .


Tre's pov

I woke up to Cassandra throwing up I went into the bathroom to check on her

"What's wrong you good ma?" I said

*It was dead silent*

"No tre I don't know what's wrong I just don't feel good" she said

"Wanna go to the hospital ma?" I said as the kids came in the bathroom

"Mommy are you okay?" They all said

"No 🥺" she said looking sad

"I'ma bout to take you to the hospital come on get dressed mamas " I said

"Ok papi"she said

Andra gets dressed we went to the hospital I checked her in then we went to sit down .

Soon after that the doctor called her in she went to the back for awhile .

End of his pov

Andra's pov

I went in the back to the room the doctor gave me a pregnancy test I took it and gave it to her and she left out for awhile then came back in and she told me I was pregnant. I started crying because I already have 6 kids plus Kay's bsf

Tre came in with the kids I showed him the test and he saw me crying he said

"It's gonna be okay mamas I'ma here to help it'll okay they already call me daddy now I am a daddy" he said

I started crying even harder

"No tre you don't get it I have 7 kids in one house that's enough it's only to of us parneting and disciplining tre noo this is not what I wanted " I said

"Im here mamas ik ik let it out let it all out" he said

After we left the hospital we went home I was still mad that I was pregnant.

To be continued......

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