chapter 6

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At home

Andra 's pov

We got into the house I went inside and went upstairs to my room set on my bed crying silently so that nobody could hear me then tre walked in the room. I turned my head so that he wouldn't know that I was crying

"Baby it's gonna be okay I'ma here as a matter a fact I got something for you" he said getting on one knee

I just looked at him

"Will you marry me" he said

It was completely quiet 🤫

"Yes" I said crying softly

He put the engagement ring on my finger then the kids came in the room

"Awww we see y'all " they all said

"Kay how is Amani doing I haven't seen her all day" I said wiping my tears

"She is in my room sleeping she doesn't feel good" Kay said

"Ok " I said

I got up went downstairs to cook the kids went back In there rooms

I started cooking then tre came downstairs he gave me a kiss 😘 and he helped me cook dinner .

Kay's pov

I was in my room making tiktoks then mommy called us downstairs for dinner I woke up Amani and told her it was time for dinner we went in my bathroom washed our hands and went downstairs.

We had sliders fries and fruit punch

Back to Andra pov

I called the girl downstairs for dinner and we sat down at the table we ate dinner and did our usual. After dinner me and tre cleaned the kitchen the kids were all around the house .

Tre's pov

After me and Cassandra cleaned up the kitchen we went in the living room to watch TV Kay came downstairs and went into the game room to make tiktoks . I rubbed Andra stomach and gave her a kiss soon after that she fell asleep I turned the TV off and carried her upstairs and put her in the bed pulled the cover over her body. I left out the room and went back downstairs

Shirley's pov  VintageSoul93 

I was in my room writing some more chapters on my book "age ain't nothing but a number" and listening to music. I stopped for awhile to go downstairs and get something to drink after I got what I wanted I went upstairs and finished writing my book  2 hours later I put everything  away and then I went to sleep.

Khiya's pov

I was  laying down in my bed making some edits. After I made the edits I posted the edits on my page then I turned on my TV and started watching Netflix .

Gracie pov

I was in the game room with Kay making tiktoks with her . We were making Hella tiktoks then we both went upstairs  in our rooms and I went to sleep cause I was tired 😴 .

Sunday morning

Andra's pov

I wake up to my alarm going *BEEP BEEP BEEP * I look at the time and it's 6:30 am I go wake up the girls for church   they got up and did there hygiene stuff we all got dressed and meant each other downstairs. We ate breakfast 🥣  after breakfast  we got in the car then we left we go to church  at 7:00 and went inside and sat down .

Fast forward

After we left church we went home and changed clothes . After that I had to go to work and the girls stayed home with tre doing what ever they was doing . Tre went to film his movie that he was filming idk what it is yet but yea it is now 3:20pm I get out the car I grab my things and I head into the building 🏢 . (I work at Kay grace and zuriah's highschool) so I go into the building I go inside the conference room and sit down,I got all my things out for the meeting 🤝🏾 and soon after that the meeting started .

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