chapter 7

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Monday morning (fall brake)

Kay's pov

I don't feel good my body is in so much pain  "mama!" I said with tears in my eyes amani woke up and was like

"What's wrong Kay Kay? You okay?" Amani said

"Noo im in pain my head hurts and back hurts too " I said still crying

Andra's pov

I heard Kay call my name I got out of bed and ran to her room

"Yes babygirl are you okay?" I said

"Noo im in pain," she said

"Ok stay right here I'll  be back" I said

I went to get her some pain pills and some juice then I went back upstairs  to her room .

"Here you go kay take these and drink the juice and you will feel better " I said kissing her for head.

She took the pills and drunk the juice

"Thanks mama"she said

"Your welcome " I said

I got up and went downstairs  to cook breakfast  for the girls liyah and Shirley were already  gone to work before I had woken up to kay crying .

But I made breakfast and called the girls down for dinner we had (BLT sandwiches) .

Kay's pov

Me and mani got out my bed and went to wash our hands and then went downstairs  to eat  after we ate I went back upstairs  to my room to lay back down . Because I was tired , mama came in to check on me

"You feeling better" She asked me

"A Lil bit I guess " I said

"Ok get some rest I love you" She said as she walked out my room and closed my door .

Soon after that I fell asleep

Amani's pov

I went upstairs  to Kay's room I saw her sleeping so I sat down on her bed and got on my phone with my volume low so that I wouldn't  wake her up . I fell asleep after a few minutes because I didn't get much sleep last night .

Andra's pov 

I have to leave the house soon to go to my other job to film a movie. I got dressed and went to check on the girls before I left I went into Kay's room first and I saw her and Amani sleeping.

Next I went into zuriah's room she was also asleep so I closed her door softly

I went to khiya's room and she was up watching Netflix

"I'm about to go to work" I said

"Ok" She said

I closed her door and walked to gracies room and she was asleep so closed her door softly.

Then I went downstairs and opened the door leading me into the garage  and then went to my car and then  headed to work .

Shirley 's pov

I drove home from work . Once I got home I got out my car , walked over to the door unlocked the door and went inside the house .

I close the door behind  me softly I went up the steps to my room and got out some clothes I took a shower and washed my hair after I showered and washed my hair .

I got out dried off  and got dressed after that I did my hair and then went to go check on my siblings that are my kids when mama isn't home .

I go into Kay's room

"Hey kay you okay mama is at work do its just me and liyah here with the rest of y'all" I said

"Yes and mk how was your day" She said 

"It was good I can't complain " I said

Then I went to khiyas room and checked onn her then everybody else .

2 hours later mama came home 

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