another rant

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Right... So I've had a full day at college I come home and chill for a bit then I'm about to clean and my mum asks me to go to the chemist for her... It's chucking it down and really bad wind... Let me tell you about our deal... I get £100 every two weeks for doing all the cleaning... And I get that to support me through college... I'm all up for going to the chemist and I think I'll go shop so we can have bacon and sausage sandwhiches for tea... Out of my own money... I say it on Facebook for a joke... And her friend offers to give me a lift because she's going shopping already and then we go back to hers for a cuppa and then she'll drop me home... My mum comes on early and rings me having a go for not cleaning the house... I come home she's still in a mood so I try not to say anything to piss her off... I have clothes in the washer that I haven't washed because I'm waiting for more clothes it's not even half a wash... She tells me to take it out... I say I'll put her uni in with it... She's says it'll get creased... I will admit I lose my temper and say piss off will it... Still not half a load... She's shouting at me again... Whilst I'm cleaning... Even though I'm upset she comes in to shout at me even more whilst I'm fucking cleaning... Telling me if I don't watch it she's gonna make me quit college and get a job... But here's the thing I apply to about 5 jobs a day... Its hard enough to get a job let alone when you're under 18 and in college... I'm sorry but I'd prefer an education so I can get a good job but obviously that's not good enough... I must truely be evil for not doing the cleaning early and doing it later... Please someone stop me I'm a monster I mean really... You make the mess I clean up and you still moan about it

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