let down

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I am so fucking sick and tired of people letting me down last minute and I can't stand it anymore I've gone years without a social life and now I finally got one and all it does is piss me off ... I mean really every fucking time... I make plans with people they cancel or change them... Then other people make plans I don't wanna do but I'll still do it because it sounds fun and guess fucking what they fucking cancel and let me down... Is it so bad I just want to go out for a couple of hours and have fun... Even if it's going out for coffee or to get your nails done but no I can't because no one can keep to fucking plans.... It makes me so angry I could cry... See I never cancel because I know how annoying it is... When you're fucking dressed and you get a fucking text cancelling not even a phone call... A fucking text even if it's something little of you're going to cancel or let someone down just call them... It's less effort than texting I mean c'Mon.... Now I just really wanna go out and I can't because I have no one to go out with because everyone's 'busy' well fuck you then

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