Chpt 32: It's over... but at a cost

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You opened your eyes and saw all of your girlfriends stood over you. You couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Hey," you whispered "Master Skywalker, we owe you our lives," Mace said as he walked in, stopping you from kissing them all, "you don't owe me anything," you argued. Moments after Cal jumped on you grinning. "Cal! How are you?" you asked smiling as he embraced you "I'm well," he replied. "Are the other jedi and clones alright?" you asked and their faces turned to that of sorrow "what happened?" you asked "Master Yoda... when you used all of that power he felt it, and was unable to react in time before getting shot by droids," Mace explained. You felt a couple tears roll down your face as you thought on his words. 

You were in your quarters looking out the window, when Shaak walked over and embraced you from behind. "Hey," you said turning "hey, how are you feeling?" Shaak asked "I'm as alright as I can be, it felt like Master Yoda would live forever," you replied "true, but we all knew his time would come to an end," she stated as you leant close "that's one way of putting it," you said. You looked at her face, admiring it. "Is something wrong?" Shaak asked "no, just admiring my future wife," you replied before kissing her lovingly. 

You now sat in the council chamber. The room feeling empty without Yoda. "First order of business... who's going to be the new grandmaster?" Obi-wan asked and everyone looked around "we will have an anonymous vote, it's the best way," Mace said and everyone else nodded.

Time skip

As the vote was being counted you were discussing the future of the jedi order, and the Republic, with Obi-wan. Palpatine now having been revealed to be Darth Sidious. "We have our decision," Mace stated and everyone sat back down. "Master Plo, you have had four votes, I have had two. And Master Skywalker... you have six," Mace stated and your eyes widened, you glanced around as you took it all in, "do you need a minute?" Obi-wan asked "I just have one question, why me? I mean, I'm not even an adult," you asked "because of what makes the grandmaster the grandmaster is their unrivalled mastery of the force, compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience, things many even on this council have forgotten," Plo stated and you nodded a little. 

Time skip

You were now teaching Cal on a training balcony. You had decided to start teaching him Vaapad, which you could now do without permission. "What's changed Master?" Cal abruptly asked as you knocked him to the ground "what do you mean Padawan?" you asked "you're acting different," he replied "how am I acting different?" you asked but before he could answer you got a call from Mace. "Yes Master Windu?" you said "Master Skywalker, we have a meeting with the new chancellor. Chancellor Amidala," he stated "I'll be right there, thank you for telling me," you replied and the transmission ended. "Sorry Cal, life of a council member is busy," you said before going towards the door "who's the new grandmaster?" he asked "it'll be announced this evening," you replied. 

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