Chpt 38: A New War

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Your fleet arrived out of hyperspace, and you saw a Rakata fleet. "Launch the fighters," you ordered "every single one," "yes Sir," Thrawn replied. A few moments later you saw maybe millions of fighters fly past the command bridge. 

You now had a helmet on that would allow you to breathe in open space, and you were stood on a starfighter. Plo Koon got in the pilot seat and took off. You used the force to hold on. 

As Plo went around destroying Rakata fighters you ordered for him to get as close to the opposing fleet as possible. You focused on the force and when you got closer you force jumped off of the fighter and sent an incredibly powerful force push at their fleet. It hit and sent several into the nearby star. You landed back on Plo's fighter and ordered for the fleet to fire. The fighters all dodged the shots and missiles as they returned to the hangars. 

You walked back into the command bridge as the Rakata surprisingly fled. But then a new fleet arrived behind the Republic. However you were unable to sense any life forms. But it did start firing. "Get us into hyperspace!" you ordered "yes Sir," Thrawn replied and soon your fleet was returning to Coruscant.

Time skip

"What even was that fleet?" Obi-wan asked as you walked into the council chamber "no idea, but we couldn't sense them," you stated as Plo sat down "how is that even possible?" Mace asked "no idea, but we have to prepare Republic worlds for siege. Get me Chancellor Amidala," you ordered. 

"Grandmaster Skywalker, what did you see out there?" Padme asked as you walked into her office "I don't know, first it was a Rakata fleet, which is disturbing enough. But then an unknown fleet arrived, one we couldn't sense," you stated. You saw horror on her face as you said that. "Any ideas on how we defeat them?" she asked "we play defensive and chip away at their armies. I can't think of any other way. I'll send also large groups of jedi to important systems in order to protect them," you said "this is a threat unlike any we've faced before, we can't go on the offensive unless we're absolutely sure. We'll also need to ally with the CIS," you continued. You watched as she thought on your words. "I know, but many senators won't want to," she argued "they don't have a choice Padme. As much as I support democracy, this is one time where democracy must be put aside. It isn't a war with the sith or Separatists, it's us defending ourselves against a galactic invasion, who knows how many of those things are out there," you replied "I know," she sighed. You walked over and wrapped your arms around her. "We're going to  make it through this, I promise," you reassured before gently kissing her forehead, "I hope so," she whispered. 

Sorry this was so short and tool me 2 months to post

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