15th September 2022

2 1 0

Warning, 16+ things I guess?

We're forced to stay at home for a week since our mom got COVID. And this is what happened at school:

At my English class:

Teacher: Okay everyone, please remember that we got a little exam tomorrow.

Me: What!

Teacher: It seem like someone don't know that. Let me repeat it again, we got a little exam tomorrow. You are not at school last Friday?

Random student: Yes miss, she was out since her family members got COVID.

Teacher: Oh. Then let me explain. I told you all we will have a new report every Friday right?

Me: Yes. You did told us that when we first met.

Teacher: Last Friday, your classmates were unwilling to do the new report. So I changed it to an exam.

Me: If so then will the 1st get a present?

Teacher: …… That's good. If so what do you think the present can be?

Random student: A good mark!

Teacher: How about…… top 3 won't have to do new report for 1 time?

Me: Yes!

Teacher: If there will be a present, there will be a punishment as well.

Me: How about the failed students have to do the new report?

Teacher: That's nice. I'm quite surprised, you're the first student to ask for a present when I announced there will be a quiz.

"Why he won't react to my message?

Who? Your crush?

Yes, the one I wanted to fuck.

Why don't you fuck him?

What? I'm not interested in underage.

I thought his older than you?

Yes, he's older than me for 1 year.

If so then just in 2 year you will fuck him.
Yes, just 2 more years then I'll suck his dick off.

That's nice."

What a normal conversation to have with your twin sister :)

Since my younger sister wasn't at school for a week, in social worker's room, we now have:

Bunny's hair over grown. (since no one pet his head)

No one to fight the pillow shark with.

No one to argue with.

No one plays truth or dare.

The question they asked were… very yes.

"The frequency of masturbation per a week."

"The person you like."

Dairy (Diary) the 2ndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ