17th September 2022

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In an unknown friends group, someone was found to be working in a fast food shop. The person that made the discovery posted his finds in the friends whatsapp group, and was immediately warned for doing such action by the fast food worker. "Listen, you better buy tier three armour by tomorrow. I would kill to see you on the hospital bed." Which the discoverer kindly ignored. The other friends who saw this interesting information, decided to pay their friend a little visit during his work time, and was immediately talked back with "Aren't you a little too fat to eat fast food?"

Today, our teacher wanted to teach us how to write a cover letter. He asked the class if they wanted an example, and so started talking about his own personal experience.
Back when newspapers were a thing, he would read it every morning. One day he saw an ad on the newspaper saying that a school is in need of a new chinese teacher. He wanted to give it a shot and so called the number on the ad.
"Hi, I'm xxx, I saw the advertisement about your school and am here to ask if I could be a chinese teacher."
"Alright, may I know where you are?"
Although confused, he answered truthfully, "Why did you want to know where I am?"
"Our school is nearby, if you have time now we can do an interview." This all happened too quickly, "Can we interview next morning?"
"I see, then we'll meet tomorrow morning,"
The time has come for the interview to be had. After preparing the whole night, he went to the school for the interview. The principal was the one to do the interview with him. The interview was short, the principal didn't even see what he had prepared thoroughly, only glossed at it and asked him some questions. "Okay, I'll let the office get the contract, sigh it and you can teach here now."
Shocked, he didn't agree to it instantly, but you could've guessed what happened. He down up the wrong path, is what I would like to add as an ending to the story.

M1 is terribly for me, not sure if it's because I wasn't at school for a week.

I can't understand most of the things written on the whiteboard. Still, with my love towards Math, I have the confidence to catch-up.

Let's explain to the readers as well. M1's is the abbreviation of Mathematics Extended Part Module 1. It's about calculus and statistics.

If you guys are wondering I'm learning the calculus part.
Tomorrow is going to be a special day!

Dairy (Diary) the 2ndWhere stories live. Discover now