19th September 2022

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Damn, I realized I had spent over $65 on travelling yesterday.

Rainy morning.

The reason why my IT teacher was late:
She is the class teacher of 2C. And at the recess before my lesson, one of the student tried to force her classmate to give them their phone with a cutter. It ended with the student's mother taking her home. My teacher was at the edge of calling the police.

This reminded me what happened last year. A new student came to my class,
my class teacher and the social worker were there with him at his first lesson. They even gave the boy a sit near the teacher's desk.

It was all fine until one day, my English teacher ordered everyone but me, both monitors and the boy to leave the class.

It turns out the boy wrote "I want to kill my English with a gun" as an answer in his homework…

History repeats itself, doesn't it?

So I mentioned the quiz I got last Friday, the 3rd wanted a good mark than no new report. The teacher said sure, and damn. The want-good-mark student's face is priceless.

Dairy (Diary) the 2ndWhere stories live. Discover now