Brotherhood (Mr. L)

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"Okay... Alright, so, apparently, you were kidnapped by an evil ghost man disguised as your favorite-"

"Former Favorite." Lucas interrupted Leon.

"Former favorite video game character, Mario. Then, after years of being tortured, you were saved by this... LX person, who's the reason why you can do insane stuff like flying." Leon said.

"Correct, Father of Lucas," LX said, appearing as a tiny version of his Luigi form on Lucas's left shoulder.

"Transported to the future... Then back to the past... Has powers... AND HE'S TECHNICALLY OLDER THAN US!" Lucy, Lucas's mother, was having trouble processing this information.

A few hours or so after returning to his world and period, and going home, Lucas spilled everything to his parents. His entire journey and all of his experiences up to this point.

"By the way, Primordial," Lucy said. "What exactly are you gonna do now? Are you gonna fly around like some kind of superhero, stopping crime and saving lives?"

"Well, I know that I want to make the world a utopia, unlike the fairly awful attempt made by "God" called The Garden of Eden. But I don't know how to go about it." Lucas said, his thumb and pointer finger on his chin, forming a thinking face.

"Yeah, kid. This isn't like the comics or TV Shows. You can't just come out flying and expect the world to be okay with it. Instead of cheering and applauding, Governments and Scientists all over the world will hunt you down and try to figure out how you can fly." Leon said.

Luckily, the entire town was keeping Lucas's revival and abilities a secret. So they had nothing to worry about. Well, for now, anyway.

"An impossi- unlikely possibility, given our abilities, they won't be able to harm us in the slightest." LX chimed in.

"And let's not forget the immeasurable backlash Nintendo, the creators of Mario, will get once the world finds out what you went through... And speaking of Mario..." Lucy cracks her knuckles.

"You killed the bastard, right?"

"Calm down, Mother of Lucas. MX is dead, gone. We saw him melt away right in front of us. He's not coming back." LX said reassuringly.

"By the way," Leon said. "Stop calling us "Mother of Lucas" and "Father of Lucas". My name is Leon, and her's is Lucy."

LX paused. "That's a funny coincidence."

"What is?" Lucas asked.

"All of our names start with L. Lucas, Leon, Lucy, and LX." LX clarified.

"Oh," Lucy said. "How have I never noticed that? Why does our family consist of so many L names?"

"I dunno, I figured you would know that," Lucas said.

"It's probably just a coincidence. A pretty incredible one, but a coincidence nonetheless." Leon said.

"But anyway, we need to know something," Lucy said. "How exactly do you plan on turning this world into a utopia and making everyone happy?"

"Well, I'd need to know the full extent of my abilities. And I'd need to know what the ideal world would be like. And trying to make the world perfect will be massively difficult, despite how powerful LX and I are." Lucas said.

"In terms of sheer, brute, pure power, I am weaker than MX. But I can proudly say that I have more diverse abilities than he has." LX says.


"As you know, I can create human bodies with any features I desire. But due to how complicated your biology is, it takes a while. When those bodies are complete, I can transfer souls into them. But only those of the dead. I can't just take a living person's soul and slap it into a new meat puppet."

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