The End Of It All (The Queen)

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Cream was satisfied with her life. She had a fantastic mother, friends, and good Quality of Life in general. Living a humble life in a small house in the woods was better than being rich in her opinion. There was no improving it.

But there was always one question that was constantly in her head. She tried ignoring it, as it wasn't that significant, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get rid of it.

Were there others? Did she and Vanilla have more family members? Sisters, brothers, distant cousins, anyone?

Whenever Cream brought up the topic of wanting to meet her relatives, if she had any, Vanilla, for some reason, was strangely apprehensive.

She was very uncomfortable whenever Cream asked, and would always change the subject or flat-out ignore her entirely.

This only made Cream hunger for answers even more. But, never wanting to intentionally make her mother uncomfortable, she stopped pestering her about relatives.

After that, she continued going through her relatively easy life with no problems. Aside from Eggman, of course.

But she just wasn't satisfied. She wanted to be, but she just couldn't. She needed someone new and different in her life. Living as she was now was fun, but not fulfilling. You're gonna want something different every once in a while.

She was not gonna let herself be ignorant all of her life.

But how was she gonna get her fulfillment and her answers? She wasn't gonna ask her Mom, of course. Maybe... She could ask someone else. But then again, why would anyone know about her family? That was a stupid thing to consider.

Waiting was the best move here. As much as Cream hated waiting and hoping for answers to just fall into her hands, it was the only thing she could do.

And for a while, nothing of note happened, nor did she learn of anything new. Until after the defeat of the most dangerous enemy to date.


During the process of the world getting back into order, Cream met up with her friends, who were hanging out in the Green Hill Zone, having a Barbecue. Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and shockingly, Shadow as well.

"Hey, guys!" Cream shouts, getting their attention. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when Eggman wreaked havoc. My mom was extra keen on keeping me safe when he took over the world."

"Don't apologize for your Mom looking out for you. It's completely natural. But it is good to see you again, Cream." Tails said.

"Same here." She replied. Then, her eyes widened. And a bead of sweat rolls down her head, as she looks behind Tails, and sees a strange Magenta Gem sitting on a table.

"W-What's that?" Cream asked, stepping toward the Gem to get a closer look at it.

"That, little lady, is the Phantom Ruby. Well, the original one. It's pretty dangerous. Which is why Tails is analyzing it. And we're here to make sure nothing goes wrong." Sonic said, speeding over next to her.

"Phantom Ruby? Where'd you get something so... Powerful, Mr. Sonic?" Cream asked. She could feel its incredible energy just by standing near it.

"During the war. The details aren't all that important. But you wanna know something cool? It's stronger than-"

"I swear to god, Sonic... That thing is not stronger than the Master Emerald! If you say that again I'll punch you." Knuckles said angrily.

"Stronger than the Master Emerald?!" Cream shouted.

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