II: The Catalyst

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Arnold has been on the phone for hours. He's been standing in the corner by the supply closet most of the time and only occasionally wandering within hearing distance for me. I've only gathered bits and pieces of his conversations, but I know it's about me. He says something like ‘junk’ and ‘useless machine’ about twenty times it seems. I can't wait for Daniel to clock in for work so I can get a better picture of the situation.

Arnold puts away his phone and strides over to me, picking up a grease rag along the way. 

"Well ol' girl," he says absent-mindedly as he scrubs at a splotch of oil on me, "It's mostly settled, now."

What's settled, Arnold?

Arnold pauses and stares at me for a second, as if in thought.

"What in..." He trails off but seems to come to a conclusion, and scrubs at the spot once more before the door opens and Daniel enters the garage.

"Morning, Arnold." He says, taking a swig of whatever drink he has in his thermos.

"Morning, Dan." Arnold moseys over to him. "Just got off the phone with Michelle and she said that we're due for a new zamboni anyhow since old Zambonnie's been around for so long. Especially since we're so close to opening that second rink."

Daniel looks surprised.

"Listen, Arnold, I know I suggested it yesterday, but I've been thinking. We don't really need to get rid of old Bonnie, do we?"

"Is this about the 'laughter' again, Dan?" Arnold rolls his eyes. "We really need to get you some psychiatric help, man."

"I'm not sure my position as an ice resurfacer covers Healthcare, Arnold." Daniel snorts.

"At least you're admitting you have problems. But listen, we don't necessarily have to get rid of Bonnie, so much as retire her."

If I would scoff if I could. I am nowhere near retirement age! I just have a few kinks that can be worked out. I'll show them that old faithful is better than spunky and new. My whole life is my job, I can't lose that just because of some motor flutters.

Daniel picks up a gasoline canister and begins to refuel me.

"I dunno, Arnold, I just--I've only been around for a few months, but I've grown a little bit attached to this zamboni, and I'd just be sad to see her retired so soon."

Aww, Daniel you're too sweet right now. I think to myself.

"Kid, you really need to find yourself a girlfriend." Arnold comments. "Okay, if you really feel so strongly about Bonnie, take it up with Michelle. I'll talk to Ted at the shop again and see what we can do for her."

"Thanks, man." Daniel finishes up with the fuel and starts to work on some other things.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Arnold makes his way out of the port to do whatever he does when he's not around here.

As I watch Daniel working, I can't help but notice how I haven't really given him that much credit. Really, from the start he hasn't been anything but kind to me, and I guess haven't given him as much appreciation as I should. I feel something shift within me and it makes an audible clink.

"What was that?" Daniel strides over and opens my hood. He rummages around for a moment before letting out a laugh and pulling a wing nut from somewhere in my engine. "So that's what all the fuss was about on the ice."

I feel embarrassed about the wing nut, but I brush it off as Daniel closes my hood again. I wait in anticipation as the first group of people scheduled for the ice get their gear ready to go.

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