Chapter 16~

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"So, where exactly are we heading?" Chris asked, his arms still around me. My head was lying on his chest, and I felt sleepy.

"Wanna get some McDonald's?" Balz asked, I nodded and said "Sure.."

They laughed and Chris asked "You sleepy there, buddy?" I nodded a little and said "Yeah.." He smiled and said "Well go to sleep baby, and we'll bring you something okay?"

I shook my head and said "Noooo I wanna eat with you guys." They laughed and he said "Okay, just sleep until we get there, and I'll wake you up."

I nodded and said "Okay." I snuggled deeper into my amazing boyfriend's chest, and closed my eyes.


After a few minutes, the car stopped, and I was gently nudged awake. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked up to see Chris looking down at me. He smiled and said "Wake up baby, we're here." I nodded and was about to rub my eyes, when I remembered I had makeup on...And smudged makeup would not look good.

We got out of the van, and Chris helped me out. He laughed and I raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

He just smiled and said "You're so adorable, baby."

I rolled my eyes and said "Shut up." he smiled and kissed the top of my head, and we went inside.

While we waited in the somewhat long line, Chris stood behind me with his arms around my waist, and Balz and Angelo looked so bored.

"Holy shit...I've never seen a McDonald's this busy before! It's crazy!" Balz said, shifting on a different foot every minute. Chris rested his chin on my head and said "Well you're just gonna have to wait Balz, other people gotta eat too."

He groaned and we just ignored him. I looked around and noticed a lot of people were staring at us...Not just all of us, but just Chris and I in general. I squirmed a little in Chris' arms and he asked "Baby? Baby, what's wrong?"

I chewed on my bottom lip and said "There's people staring.." Chris looked up at the people in the restaurant who were staring at us, and flipped them off. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." The people gave us more dirty looks, but they went back to their own business. I felt a little better, and turned around in Chris' arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and laid my head against his chest.I sighed as I heard the gentle beating of his heart, and he hugged me tighter.

"Don't worry about what they think, baby....It's their fault for being close minded. Just don't let them get to you, okay?"

I nodded and said "Okay."

He kissed my forehead and said "I love you."

I smiled and said "I love you, too."


(Chris' P.O.V.~)

He's so fucking adorable, I can't stand it. He's just like a little ball of fuzzy Goth cuteness, and it makes me so happy. I'm so happy I lost my virginity to him...I don't think I could ever lose it to anyone else. I'm I'm glad I was his first, too...Someone as adorable and sweet as Ricky, doesn't deserve some asshole who gets too rough.


They're so sweet and angelic, and he's so innocent...Even though I took his V-Card, he's still an innocent person.

I really don't wanna screw things up with him, cause he's my first real relationship...And it's the best one I've ever had. If I fucked up and lost him, I'd never forgive myself. If things go right for us, we could be together forever.

And as long as he was here with me, I know I'll be okay

(A/N: SWS reference ^^^ haha ;p.)

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