Chapter 9~

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(Ricky's P.O.V.~)

After what happened between me and Chris yesterday, I couldn't stop smiling. Ange looked at me weird when he came and picked me up, and my parents did the same...I never smile around them. I spent the whole night smiling, and texting Chris. He's such a sweetheart. Other people would say differently, cause of the way he looks. But in reality, he's chill and relaxed.

My alarm went off, telling me I wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep, again. I groaned and turned it off. I didn't feel like getting up....I'm too tired to be a human today. But I got up anyways, cause I wanted to hang out with my friends, and my new boyfriend.

I pulled the sheets off of me and stood up, when my door opened. I jumped and saw the little demon spawn I know as my sister, standing there.

"Jesus Christ Lily, learn how to knock!" I said, seeing as I was only in boxers, and had a slight case or morning wood.

She just rolled her eyes and said "Hurry up and get ready, mom and dad are forcing me to ride with you!"

"WHAT?!?!" I didn't wanna take that little brat with me, we all hate her!

"YES! Now get your ass ready, I don't wanna be late! And tell your faggot Goth friends to turn the shitty music down!" she said, before slamming my bedroom door shut.

SHE HAS TO RIDE WITH ME?!?! I got mad and yelled "GODDAMMIT!" grabbing a pillow, and chucking it across the room. I stared at the wall for a minute, and took a deep breath. 'Relax Ricky' I said to myself. 'She's not THAT horrible..You can get through this...You'll get to see Chris and your best friends.'  I sighed and got ready for school...She better fucking behave.


(30 Minute's Later~)

Angelo's familiar car horn, signaled his arrival. i grabbed a Monster from the fridge, grabbed my bag, and yelled "COME ON LILY, LET'S GO!" seeing she was still upstairs, taking forever. 

"I'M COMING!"  She called back. A second later, she hurried down the stairs and said "Let's get this over with." I rolled my eyes, and we walked outside. 

Before we got to the van, I stopped her and said "Okay listen here, you annoying little shit, I don't want you to talk, I don't wanna hear you complain, I don't even wanna hear you breathing, got it? These are my friends, so be fucking grateful I'm letting you ride with me in the first place, or you could just walk all the way there. Don't bitch about the music playing, cause it's Angelo's van, he can play whatever the fuck he wants to play, so just shut up, and behave. Got it?"

She rolled her eyes and said "Fine. whatever,"

I nodded and we headed over to the van. I opened the door to my usual spot in the back, to see Chris sitting there, along with Balz and Angelo in the front. Ange looked at me, then at Lily and asked "Umm...What the fuck is that thing doing here?" She rolled her eyes and I said "My awesome fucking parents are making her ride with us...I told her to be seen, not heard the whole way there." 

They groaned, and Chris just looked at me. I wanted to just smile and kiss him, but I couldn't. So I just climed in, sitting beside him, with Lily on my other side. She closed the door and Ange pulled out of the driveway....This is gonna be a long ride...


(Skipping Ride There~)

Surprisingly, the little brat stayed quiet the whole time. Even when Slipknot and Suicide Silence was blasting through the van. I felt nervous being around Chris, with the spawn of Satan sitting beside me. I couldn't really look at him, or smile at him in a certain way, or she would've known something was up. As soon as ange parked the van in an empty spot, we got out. Lily didn't bother to say bye, she just walked off...Little bitch.

"Jesus Christ, I'm glad she's gone." Balz said, stratching his arms over his head. We nodded and Ange said "Even when she doesn't say anything, she's a total buzkill. It felt like I was sitting in a damn church." I chuckled and Chris said "Come on, let's go to the cafeteria!" Ange and I cringed and Balz said "I'm in!' and went over and stood beside him. They both looked at us and Balz said "Come on guys, pleeeease?" 

Ange and I looked at each other, before we said "Okay we'll go." They both smiled and we headed over to the cafeteria. When we walked in, all eyes were instantly on us. I felt a little nervous and awkward, but Chris patted my back and whispered "Just ignore them, baby...They're not our problem." I nodded and we went through the line.

We sat down with the chemically engineered exucse for breakfast, and sat far away from everone else. I sat by Chris, and ange and Balz sat across from us. I didn't want to eat this disgusting food, but my stomach was growling, and the Monster wasn't helping any. So I just sucked it up, and started eating. We sat there and listened to the other two arguing over which movie was better, A Nightmare On Elm Street, or Friday The 13th, when I felt something touch my hand from under the table.

I looked down and realized Chris was lacing his fingers through mine, and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked up at him and saw he was pretending to be engaged in the two stooges, babbling, fighting back a smile. I guess i had zoned out, cause I heard Balz calling my name. I looked at them and asked "What?" all three of them laughed and Balz said "I said, are you okay?"

I nodded and said "Yeeah, I'm fine...Why?"

Angelo pointed at my face and said "Cause you're blushing."

I swallowed and felt the blush deepen. I looked down and said "N-No I'm not...I'm not blushing.."

Balz chuckled and said "Dude, I'm not stupid. You're cheeks are bright red." poking his boney finger into my cheek. I looked down at the table and said "Shut up..I'm not blushing, i-it's probably just hot in here." Balz just shrugged and said "Alright man, whatever you say." and dropped it. I glanced over at Ange, and saw he didn't seem convinced. He just looked at me like I was lying, but didn't say anything.

I stole a glance over at Chris and saw he was still looking straight ahead, still holding my hand...I wish I was a better liar. Soon the first bell rang, and we got our shit together. Chris let go of my hand and whispered "Come on Juliet, let's get to English." I chuckled and we left.

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