Chapter 5~

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During lunch, I brought Chris over to the table I sit with with Angelo and Balz. They were sitting there, talking about something, the. Balz looked up and saw us. "RICKY! OH MY GOD, I'VE MISSED YOU, MAN!!!" He jumped up, ran over, and attacked me in a bone crushing hug. He picked my up from the ground and said "Um Balz.....Y-You're kinda crushing me.." Turning a shade of pink while people stared. "I KNOW!" I looked around and said "Please, put me down...People are staring." Balz shook his head and said "NOPE!" I looked at Ange and said "You have the power to end this, ya know!" He chuckled and said "Alright Balz, put Rick down. You're embarrassing the poor guy." Balz groaned, but put me down.

I looked around and saw people were still staring at us..Hell, even the teachers were staring! Balz rolled his eyes and said "Mind your own business, people!" And sat down. I was still blushing bad, but I sat down in front of Ange. Chris sat by me and Ange said "Aww, poor thing..Dude, you embarrassed him, he's red as a tomato!" I rolled my eyes and said "Not helping, Ange." He smiled and said "Yeah, probably not." I looked over and saw Chris was sitting there awkwardly, looking down at the table...I'm not the only quiet one, anymore.

"You um..y-you alright?" I asked, looking at him. He looked up and said "Oh um..Yeah, I'm alright." I nodded and Balz said "No need to be an awkward turtle around us, dude! We're the last people in the world to judge you!" Chris smiled a little and it made me smile. "Oh shit, I forgot to introduce you. Chris these are my friends, Josh and you met Angelo. Balz, this is Chris." They waved at each other and Chris asked "Why do they call you, Balz?" He chuckled and said "Cause my last name is literally Balz." Chris smiled and said "That's awesome, man!" They high fived and that made me smile more..Well, this day is getting better.


(Skipping Rest Of The School Day, Too Lazy~)

By the time school was over, I asked Chris if he needed a ride home and told him he could ride with me, Balz, and Ange. We walked around looking for them, and saw them making their way towards us...With Balz on Angelo's back. They walked up to us and Ange said "Hey guys." Looking out of breath. I raised an eyebrow and asked "Um...Why is he on your back?" Balz laughed and said "Cause I wanted a piggy back ride! Don't judge me!" Ange groaned and said "Well I'm gonna judge you, Josh. You're fat as fuck! Get off of me before I collapse and die!" Balz gasped and said "Hurtful! I am not fat!" "Yes you are. Off, now." Balz pouted and said "Fine, fun killer." He hopped off his back and Ange stood up straight.

He turned to Balz and said "I don't know what the fuck your parents are feeding you, but Jesus Christ, Josh. I'm gonna have back problems now!" Balz gave him and innocent smile and said "Love you too, Ange!" And pecked him on the cheek. He cringed and wiped his cheek off with his jacket sleeve. He turned to us and asked "You two, ready?" We nodded and said "Okay, c'mon." We followed him to his van and we climbed inside. It was Balz and Ange in the front, and me and Chris in the back. Chris told Ange where to go and he started up the car. Slipknot blasted through the stereo, scaring the shit out of all of us. "Sorry guys!" Ange yelled over the music, before turning it down.

Chris asked "You guys like Slipknot?" We nodded and Balz said "No dude, we love the Jonas Brothers." I chuckled and Chris said "I think I just made 3 new best friends...I fucking love Slipknot!!" I smiled and asked "What um..What else do you like?" He smiled and said "I love Slipknot, Cradle Of Filth, Suicide Silence, Bleeding Through, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, stuff like that." Oh.My.God!!!! I'm in love. "FUCK YEAH DUDE, I LOVE THEM!!" I shouted, forgetting I was in a van with 3 people. They all looked at me surprised and I instantly felt the blush creep to my face. "Oops...Sorry." I said, sinking down in my seat. Chris giggled and said "Don't be sorry, Rick. It's okay." I blushed more and said "Um..O-Okay." He just smiled and Balz said "Awwwwww, Ricky's gotta crush!" I rolled my eyes and said "Shut up."...But he was right, though.

We stopped in front of Chris's house and I took a look at it. It was normal size, I guess. It was grey with a black shingled roof, black shutters, and a black door. It looked sad and depressing...My kinda place. He sighed and said "Well, this is me...Thank you guys so much for being nice to me..Especially you, Ricky." I looked at him and saw his eyes bore into mine. He smiled before opening his door, and getting out. Before he closed the door, he asked "Oh wait! Can I have you're numbers, guys? I get so bored at home, it's not even funny." We laughed and said yes.

After he got Ange and Balz's numbers, he handed me his phone, and I put my number in. I wanted to make my name stand out in his contacts, and that's when it hit me. I smiled and typed in RICKY HORROR into the contact name, and saved it. I handed him his phone, and he looked at what I put. He smiled and asked "Ricky Horror?" I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and said "Sweet dude, that's badass!" I smiled and felt my cheeks get hot...Wow, this guy has an effect on me. He smiled and said "Well I better go. See you guys tomorrow." Ange asked "You want me us to pick you up in the morning?" He nodded and said "Yeah, it beats riding with my dad. I got to go, see ya tomorrow." They said by and he turned to me. He smiled and said "I'll text you later, Ricky Horror." I smiled and said "Okay..Bye." He said bye and I watched as he walked away from us, and into his house.

Yep...I definitely have a crush on him.

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