Disaster Strikes

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Bass thumped from past the dancefloor behind me. The club smelled of alcohol, smoke, and cheap perfume. People were everywhere; dancing, drinking, and getting weird. The bartenders did their jobs keeping those at the bar company and making sure drinks were flowing. Most of the girls behind the counter were dancing to the music that the DJ was blaring. They wore short skirts and neon tops that lit up under the black lights. The music made it hard to order drinks, but you got used to it after a while. 

"I don' even care that he cheated." I slurred as I slammed down my shot glass. "Lyrax, another!"

Thanix looked to Lyrax, her eyes saying I'd had enough. "We know she can handle herself." Lyrax defended me.

"She's bad tonight." Thanix replied. "She's already cried and gone through this loop five times." She sighed sadly, Leaning in front of me with a glass of water in her hand. "Sweety, please, just one glass of water."

I frowned and reached for the glass. "I'm sorry, Than."

Thanix chuckled lightly. "Don't be. Keigo meant a lot to you." She rubbed my head as I drank the water she'd gotten me. 

Just hearing his name brought tears to my eyes. "Yeah..." I muttered pitifully. "He did."

"Long time no see!" A voice said happily as a tray was passed over the counter. Lola plopped on the stool beside me. Her brow furrowed as she saw my face. "Babes, what happened?!"

"The winged fuck boy." Lyrax responded as she filled a glass. 

Thanix took the drink and slid it down the bar. "Turns out he's a cheater." She added.

Lola's sad eyes looked me over as she pulled my hand from my lap. "Don't worry. We'll find you a now new toy." 

"I don' need one." I replied. "Already got one." 

"OH! So our little lady has got some game!" Lyrax teased playfully.

Thanix smirked, raising her eyebrow. "What's he like?"

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice asked in my ear.

My face flushed a burning crimson, my expression falling to nervous excitement. "Um... Uh oh..."

"How many has she had?" The voice asked as a hand rested atop my head.

Lola leaned in, whispering in my ear. "Dabi?! No fucking way!" The shock in her tone made me blush darker.

"We aren't actually dating." I whispered. "We're just having fun, that is all."

"Be careful," She warned, "He's kind of infamous for taking home anything pretty and flirty."

Lola backed away as I tuned into Dabi and Thanix's conversation. "Are you sure? She's been a mess." Thanix seemed concerned.

"If you're that worried I'll take her home and come back." Dabi sighed, he was definitely annoyed. 

I spun around on my stool so I was facing him. "It's ok, I can get home bymaself." I accidentally slurred the last part.

Dabi looked me over, he didn't seem too upset, but I could see I'd at least caused some inconvenience. Trying to prove my point, I stood from my seat. I wobbled a bit before Dabi picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. Shocked by his actions, I yelped. I could faintly make out Lola's laugh through the music. Summoning all of my strength, I tried to push off of Dabi's back, but he abruptly smacked my ass.

"Cool it, little shit." Dabi warned. "We're going home."

"Thank you, Dabi." Thanix thanked him before handing over a bottle. He'd started to dig in his pocket when Thanix shook her head. "On the house. It's a thank you for taking care of our precious flower."

"Thanks." He replied, taking the bottle. 

Dabi made his way through the crowd, not bothering with the idea of putting me down. As we got out to the streets I could hear people all around having a good time. The dark streets were filled with music, yelling, and laughter. Dabi smelled like cigarettes mixed with cheap cologne. 

As I watched the big neon lights fade into the distance I felt guilt settle in my stomach. Had I just ruined Dabi's night out? Was he going to be mad at me for being this fucked up? Tomura usually got upset when I'd get wasted, no matter where I was or what time it was. 

"Dabi?" I muttered quietly. 

"Hm?" He hummed.

My hand lifted the glass I'd received from Thanix back to where he could see it. "I forgot to give this back."

He chuckled and sighed. "Hold onto it until we get home. I'm sure they won't mind one missing glass." 

When I saw the gas station I knew we were practically home. Dabi dug through his pocket for something, but it seemed he was coming up empty-handed. When we got to my door he stood me against the wall, holding his hand up in a way that told me to stay.

After a moment of him searching he sighed. "I don't know where I put your key." He confessed. "Do you have one on you?"

I nodded with a smile and reached into my pocket, but my key wasn't there. Apparently it was obvious that I didn't know where mine was either. Dabi pulled me to his door as he pulled out his key and unlocked his door. 

"You can have my bed for the night." He offered as he popped open the door. "I don't use it most of the time anyway."

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