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After my pets had gotten settled in I noticed my trash needed to be taken out. I tied up the bag and walked to the door. Closing my door behind me, I checked that nobody was nearby.

Walking down the stairs, my eyes locked on the dumpster. It was across the courtyard, hidden by a large wooden fence. The walk only took a few seconds, but it was enough time for somebody to try to jump me. 

I tossed my trash in the dumpster and started back toward the apartment building. As I got to the stairs I could hear the sound of a lady giggling flirtatiously. I'd expected to see Keigo when I got to the top of the stairs, but the sight waiting for me made my stomach turn.

Dabi stood wrestling his keys out of his pocket as some half-dressed skank hung all over him. My fists clenched tight and my nails dug into my palms. The feeling was the same as when I caught Keigo sexting those hoes of his.

"I really fucking hope you don't give her a disease you fucking whore." I growled at Dabi. Turning to his new toy I pointed to Dabi. "Be careful, pretty sure he doesn't wash his dick."

My words caused some caution in this poor woman. She gave an uneasy expression before walking off hurriedly. Dabi called after her, trying to get her to come back. Opening my door, my goal was to slide in and lock it. Dabi grabbed me by my hair, forcing me inside my apartment before I had a chance to take the first step in.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Dabi grumbled, letting me go.

"What the fuck do I think I'm doing?" I snapped, turning around. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Dabi glared at me. "I'm doing whatever I want." He stated as if it were obvious.

I laughed furiously. "So, you call Keigo a dumbass, but turn around to do the same thing he did?"

"One, we are not dating." He replied, stepping chest to chest with me and smirking. "Two, I saw you cuddled up with Spinner last night. So, who is the whore now?"

I slapped him across the cheek, eyeing him down. "One, I never said we were dating." He looked me in the eyes, obviously furious. "Two-"

Dabi grabbed me by my neck, staring as if he were waiting. "Two?"

"I was cuddled up to Spinner because when you left I couldn't stop feeling like shit." I finished, unaffected by his actions. "Turns out aftercare is pretty important."

He chuckled at me, the anger still present in his eyes. "Aftercare?" He chuckled. "Fine, I'll take that excuse."

"I belong to you, Dabi." I stated in a monotone voice. "Remember?"

"So, this wasn't Spinner's fault?" He asked, getting closer to my face.

"No." I replied, a feeling of brattiness building in me. "I snuggled up to him all on my own."

"Fine." He whispered with a sadistic grin. "Bad girls get punished."

"Wha-" I started.

I was promptly grabbed by my hair again and forced in the direction of my bedroom. It felt like I was going to trip over, but Dabi's grip kept me on my feet. He bent me over the bed, using his free hand to pull down my shorts along with my panties. Fear built in me at the thought of what he meant by punish, but something told me I wouldn't be wondering for long.

The feeling of his hand connecting with my ass cheek stung horribly. I let out a yelp, but he kept my face buried in the bed. Another slap nearly made my knees buckle and I could feel myself starting to cry. Another sensation came to my attention, I was... getting wet?

Dabi's finger ran up my soaked slit as he let out a chuckle. "I'll have to spank you harder next time." He slid his finger into my pussy with no resistance. "Can't have a brat that enjoys her punishments."

He pumped his fingers in me roughly, hitting a spot that made my stomach do flips. Being reduced to a squirming mess, there was no way I could fight back. A tension formed in my stomach, bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm. Right as I was about to cum he stopped and removed his fingers. Whimpering, I stuck my ass up toward him, physically begging for more.

The sound of Dabi undoing his pants excited me, but also made me a little afraid. Pulling my hair, he flipped me to my back. The moment he slid into me I felt like I'd cum. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against mine lightly.

"Bad girls don't get orgasms." He growled darkly.

As he slammed into me I could feel my body battling itself. Dabi planned on making me suffer, but I guess that's what a punishment is, suffering. The worst part was that my body was following his orders without my say. Even though I felt myself needing to release my body just wouldn't let me do it.

Just like every time before, tears blurred my vision in response to Dabi's brutality. But there was something in his eyes that was different from our previous experiences. It was something like anger, maybe even jealousy, like he'd caught me fucking someone else.

If I see anyone even look at you I won't hesitate to turn them to ashes.

Dabi's words echoed through my memory, forcing me to realize that he was jealous. That look in his eyes was truly a feeling of betrayal, dating or not, I was his. 

"I-I'm-" A yelp interrupted my words, but I stayed focused on what I needed to say. "I'm sorry, Dabi!" I managed shakily. "I s-s-swear I'll n-nev-ver do anything l-like th-that again!" 

A possessive smile curled the corners of his lips and an inferno burned in his eyes. "Good little girl." He chuckled. 

His fingers dug deeper into my hips causing an almost burning pain at each point. Our lips crashed together roughly, but I could feel Dabi's body start to waver. The taste on his lips was strong of whisky and something else that I couldn't quite place my finger on. An image of the girl from earlier played through my mind and I tried to push him from my lips. Luckily he was pretty fucked up, so I managed to put enough distance between us for me to turn my face away from his.

Grabbing my face, he forced me to look into his eyes. "What's wrong?" He grumbled.

"No k-kissing," I managed to summon a tone of displeasure, "who knows wh-where that b-b-bitches mouth has b-been." 

Dabi chuckled, his breathing starting to become unsteady. "Fair enough."

With a couple of sloppy thrusts, Dabi quickly reached his climax. My body fucking hated itself at this point. Being on the edge of an orgasm for so long, knowing I wouldn't be allowed a release really took a toll on me. 

"Stay here." Dabi said, pulling out of me. 

As if I were going to be able to move.

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