2. "She might be the best pilot, but she's just a kid"

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When she returns to her office, she has to sit down for a moment to process what's happened in the last half hour. She doesn't know whether to be happy or not, on one hand, Top Gun is the only home she's had in the last 7 years, and she will finally get to meet some of her old friends. On the other hand, she knows that a mission so secret that even the local commanders don't know of it, can only mean one thing, this mission is really important, and it's going to be dangerous.

She packs up her stuff into a small cardboard box and considering she has only been here for two weeks, packing up her things drags on for over an hour. Everything fits into the small box, except for a plant that she leaves behind for the next person that will occupy this tiny office. As she leaves she waves goodbye to Gladys who is currently busy cleaning the female bathroom. "You can do this Y/N, I believe in you. I know that you can't tell me anything about the mission, but call me sometimes okay? I don't know how I'm supposed to work here without you"

The drive home is quiet, and unlike this morning, there is no traffic within sight. Her usual podcast about unsolved murders is turned off, and the only thing she can hear is the faulty engine of her car who should have been retired years ago. When she returns home and walks inside, the house is unusually quiet, but when she remembers that Jules is probably at work she goes inside and puts her cardboard box just inside the door. She walks over to the kitchen to cock an early dinner, and when she starts to eat, she feels her phone buzzing in her back pocket. "Hello Y/N, I just heard the big news! I'm so happy for you. I don't know much yet, but I heard that Payback and Fanboy are also coming back. Bagman is also probably coming, considering my luck. How are you? Must be stressing to get the message this late" Phoenix's voice is calming, and she's finally able to feel something different than fear when she thinks of the mission. "Hi! yeah, it was short notice considering I have to leave tomorrow, but I couldn't say no. I miss Bagman a lot, surprisingly, so it will be so nice to finally see him again, I haven't met him since he left for Russia. Can't wait to be with you either, I'm just happy there will be more than one girl there. Have you left yet?" "Yea I flew out just after I talked to you, but besides me, there is just a guy I have never seen before, so your probably not going to be the last person to arrive. When do you think you're going to be here?" Y/N knew she had to pack and talk to Jules before she could leave, but it couldn't take too long."I have to pack and tell my roommate about why I'm leaving, but it's not too far of a drive, so I think I'll be there by tonight". She and Phoenix end up talking for another ten minutes before she hung up.

Packing doesn't take long, and she ends up packing a small bag of clothes, toiletries, and some other necessities.  The only thing missing is her uniform and her helmet. She picks the big box down from the top of her closet, and she's hesitant to open it at first. It's been a year since she last saw her uniform, and since she last wore her helmet. She carefully puts her uniform into a plastic bag, and her helmet is placed into a carry box. Even after she's done packing, she ends up sitting on the floor of her room for another 45 minutes, trying to get herself to realize what she said yes to. And that's when she decides to call the only father figure she ever had in her life.

"Hi Y/N, it's been a while, I've missed you, how are things?". Hearing Sarah's voice calms Y/N down in an instant. "Hi Sarah. I'm sorry for not calling earlier, but I haven't had the time. I was wondering if I could talk to Tom?" "Yes of course dear, his voice is not the best these days, but if you just give him some time, then it will be fine". She can hear Sarah moving up the stair through the phone, and he can't help but feel guilty that she hasn't called in over three weeks. "Tom! It's Y/N, she wants to speak to you, is that all right? Good. Here he is darling, I'll talk to you later". " Hi Pa, how are you? I'm sorry for not calling, please don't be mad, but the new job has been absolute chaos, and if I'm honest I regret taking it". She can hear Tom coughing on the other end, and each cough feels like a stab to the chest. "Oh don't worry Bubs, I'm not mad at all, I understand that life can get in the way sometimes. I'm sorry to hear about the job, I can pull some strings if you want a pilot position?". Y/N can't help but smile, knowing that he'd still do that for her. "No it's okay, I've already gotten a new job, and that's kinda why I called you. I wanted to know if you knew anything about the mission at Top Gun?". The silence is too loud, and it takes over five minutes before he answers her question "Have you been called back for the new mission?" Yeah, they called just today, I'm leaving tonight. What is it? Is something wrong?". When he answers she knows that it's genuine "No, no everything is all right. Do you wanna come on a short visit on your way there?". "Yeah I would love to, I will be there in about three hours". She can hear the door shutting downstairs, signalizing that Jules is home from work. "I'll see you then, goodbye".

Y/N walks down the stairs and almost crashes into Jules as she enters the kitchen, "Oh hi, didn't expect to see you here this early. I'm sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have interfered with your choices and I'm so sorry". Jules hands her a box of hazelnut chocolates. Y/N does want to point out that she is allergic to nuts, but it doesn't seem like the right time. "Don't be sad, it's not your fault. I have to talk to you for a sec". Jules pulls out a coke from the fridge, and they sit down at the table. "I have been called back to Top Gun, I can't say more than that to you, but I'll probably be gone for a month. I have sent you my share of the rent, and bills this month so you don't have to worry about it". Jules look down into her coke can, before smiling at Y/N. "That's good, I could see that the technician job wasn't for you. When do you leave? Do you need a ride?". "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. I have to leave tonight, I'm all packed, and I thought about visiting Pa and Sarah when I'm on my way". Jules empties her can, before answering "I'm gonna miss you a lot, and please call or text me at least once a week. Going away like that probably means you're going on a mission, I'm not dumb. So give them hell, kick their ass" Y/N pulls her into a hug, before going upstairs to bring her bag into the car.

The drive to Tom's house is only two hours, and she parks outside his front door before sunset. Y/N Rings the doorbell, and within a minute Sarah opens the door. "Oh hi! Why a treat to finally see you" Sarah pulls her into a hug before closing the door behind them. "Tom is in his study, I'm cooking roast dinner for us, your favorite" "Thanks Sarah, I really appreciate it. Do you think I can go to see Pa right now?" Sarah walks towards the kitchen door, and hands her a handful of envelopes addressed to Tom "Yeah of course, he's been looking forward to your visit all day. Can you bring him these when your there?" "Yeah of course"

Tom's office takes up most of the west first floor, and to get there you have to walk through a long corridor with empty bedrooms and pictures of pilots on each side. When she gets close to his office door she can hear him talking loudly, and his voice is filled with anger. "I can't believe you right now! I find an instructor for this stupid mission, I hand pick out a number of pilots that is suitable, and you decide to say thank you by going against my only wish?! Do I have to remind you of my position in the navy? You know he'll kill me? Right? She might be the best pilot, but she's just a kid!" Y/N feels bad for listening to a private conversation, and she decides to knock to let him know that she's here. "I have to go, but I'lol deal with you later. Come in!" His tone changes in an instant, and when she opens the door he's sitting in his spinning chair smiling at her. "Bubs! How nice to see you" she walks toward him, and he slowly stands up to give her a hug. That's when she notices the cane by is desk, and the bottle of prescription pain killers by the phone. "Pa, what are those for? Are you sick again?" He sits back down, and he slowly turns his chair towards her so that she can look him in the eye. "The cancer is back Bubs, I got the news last week, but I kinda knew way before then. I wanted to tell you, but you were struggling at your job and I didn't want to make things worse for you" "Oh, Pa. You should have told me. Is there anything I can do for you? When are you going to get well?" Tom looks towards the picture over the fireplace, showcasing him and Pete during their time at Top Gun. "I don't know, but the doctors are positive. There is two things you could do for me though" "What Pa? I'll do anything" he looks at her giving her a sympathetic smile "Give your old man a last shot, and be careful on this mission" She looks at the picture of her dad before answering "I'll be careful". That's the only promise she can give him.

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