3. «Rooster»

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The dinner is one of the best experiences Y/N has had in over a month, and she ends up staying for three hours to catch up with Sarah and Tom. She doesn't realize just how much she's missed them until now, and when they are playing Scrabble she ends up laughing more than she's done in the last weeks. "I've missed living with you guys" Tom looks up from his letters and gives her a reassuring smile "You're welcome anytime" When the clock gets close to 7 pm Y/N realizes it's time to drive the rest of the way to Top Gun. Tom follows her to the entrance to say goodbye before she leaves. "Goodbye bubs, please be careful" He picks up her backpack to carry it to the car, and despite relying on crutches he insists on doing it. "I'm gonna miss you Pa. I'll come and visit you during my weekly day off, I promise if you want me to of course". "Of course I want you to, and Bubs" she puts the backpack into the car before turning to him, "Tell admiral Beau Simpson that he owes me one, okay?" She can't help but laugh. Tom and Admiral Simpson have never gotten along, and probably never will. It might be because Tom got chosen for a mission instead of Simpson, but he'll never admit that.

When she starts the car she looks over at Tom, and waves before driving off. The rest of the ride is just over one hour, and when she gets close she decides to call Phoenix "Hi Phoenix, are you at the dormitory?" "No, we're at the bar, all of us are meeting up there, just go to room 15, that's ours, and put on your training uniform before coming". When she parks in front of the school, she can feel all of the memories flooding back, and she ends up sitting quietly in the car to take it all in. Pictures flashes in her head. Memories of lessons, parties, fights, past flings. Coming backt to something or someone you really love can be wonderful, and terrifying at the same time.

Their dormitory is plain and simple, consisting of a bunk bed, two dressers, a double desk and a small bathroom. She can't help but laugh when she notices that Phoenix has taken the top bunk, like she always does. She can't decide if she wants to unpack now, but ultimately decides not to, considering she doesn't want to be the last to show up at the bar. Instead she puts her suitcase under the bed and changes into her training uniform. It still fits, but it's gotten a bit loose since she last wore it. That really feels like a long time ago.

The bar is still as cozy and crowded as she remembers it, although the paint has started to chap, and the door hinges are making more noise than normal. She walks into the room, and looks around in an attempt to locate Phoenix, or anyone she might remotely know. The bar is filled, and the second she enters she can hear a bell and people cheering. Y/N knows what the sound means, and she feels sorry for the person who has to pay for this crowd. Just as this thought slips her mind, a pair of hands grips her shoulder, and she turn around only to be met by Phoenix's eyes.

"Hi, there you are, most of the group has already arrived but we are waiting on the last member, except for you of course." For the second time in a week she pulls Phoenix in for a hug. She could get used to this. "I saw you standing here looking all confused. We are over at the other side of the bar" She points toward a 8 ball table, and she can spot Coyote and Fanboy having a heated conversation over Phoenix's shoulder.

Y/N and Phoenix walks towards the boys, passing a group of drunk lumberjacks throwing darts, and a table of aunts sipping wine and gossiping about the bar owner, Penny. "Hi everyone" Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy turn around "Hi Y/N I don't know you were joining us" Fanboy reaches forward and gives her a hug. She take turns giving the other two a welcome hug as well, before she answers him. "Yeah, it was a last minute thing hahah" "You? Last minute? I thought you would be the first one they would call" Coyote tries to hide his initial shock, but as always it doesn't exactly work in his favor. Y/N just shrugs, she doesn't want to or know how to explain it.

Just as Payback is about to say something a pair of big hands covers her eyes making her unable to see the group in front of her. She turns quickly around out of instinct, only to be met by a voice she knows way to well. "If it isn't Y/N, I knew I was missing someone" "Hangman". She's happy to see Hangman again, and she feels like another piece of her growing puzzle falls into place. "Can I buy you a drink?" Phoenix looks at her, gags, and roll her eyes "What about me Bagman? Do you only pay the drinks for the girls you are interested in" Fanboy and Payback whistles, and Coyote laughs shortly before Hangman kicks him in the door. "Oh shut it Phoenix your jealousy is showing. So Y/N what do you want?" "I'll take a beer thank you, doesn't matter which kind, you can choose" He looks at her and winks "A beer for the prettiest girl in the room" Hangman walks over to the bar to order her drink, bumping into Phoenix on the way. "He's the same as always, what a douche" "Calm down Phoenix, he's not to bad"

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