Chapter 1

16 2 0

A.N mind my crappy writing skills

I scan the crowd of 16 year old kids waiting to get called for their aptitude test, in the same situation as me. I'm not worried at all because I know what my result will be. I was born Dauntless and anything else is unthinkable.

I watch as the other factions gather around the tables and I notice through all the commotion how boring it must be to live in any other faction then Dauntless. The abnegation are just looking around with a slight smile on there face, asking each other how their day is, the Amity are playing hand clapping games and playing with each other's hair, the Erudite look like their figuring out the math behind how this test will work, while the Candor are just plain out simply listing all the things that could go wrong with the test. I just can't imagine being anything like that. The Dauntless are yelling, making jokes, and laughing. I absolutely love these people.

I'm awoken from all the chaos when an elderly man comes out of one of the rooms and calls my name.

"Audrey Lorm!" yells the man.

All the Dauntless start chanting my name and pumping their fists in the air as I stand from my seat. The man leads me into a vaguely lit room and closes the door. I obediently take a seat and before I know it, I'm in a room with mirrors all around it, with a table with a knife and a hunk of cheese. This is to easy.

I grab the knife, like any real Dauntless would do. I swing it around me and laugh at myself.
A dog appears, and before I can register where it came from, it starts running full speed directly at me. By instinct, I kill it. I suddenly teleport back to the testing room, except the man isn't there. I open the aptitude test room door to find not the cafeteria, but a bus, in which all the seats are taken.

I hop on the bus confidently and immediately ask "which one of you is gonna give up your seat for me?"

An intimidating man comes up to me, so close that his breathing is the only thing I hear.

"Do you know him?!" asks the man as he shows me a picture of a man in a newspaper article. I slightly recognize the man but obviously I'm not going to admit that.

"Why do you care?" I reply.

I wake up back in the aptitude room, with the man starring directly at me.

"Surprise, surpise, you got Dauntless. Congrats."

I knew it! All though, he could've been more enthusiastic about it.
I reach for the handle to open the door. I can't wait to tell my friends my results even thought we're not supposed to. Oh well, I am Dauntless after all.

Divergent: Audrey LormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora