The burnt hashbrowns (Razor)

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Poem themed writing.
Written in verse (or tried to be written in verse.)
Some mentions of bl00d and c0oking :)

Verse 1 (The Recipe)

They met in a starry field
Filled with strawberries and flowers, they yield.
For a moment not even a breath
Yet one is dancing the dance of death.
The air grows smoky and filled with rage
For the burning hash browns have passed their age.

Verse 2 (The indgredients)

She hailed from a place far away.
He came from here, not a days walk away.
"I...razor...!" He said with delight.
She simply smiled through the plight.

Verse 3 (The measuring)
The hash browns were light and free
Showing signs of height and treecones sap mixed in with the food.

As it seemed, he was not able to let go of his wolven time just yet.

Verse 4 (The mixing)
Cheeks bright pink and toes half frozen.
Warming by the fires inked logs.
Lips pressed together
Birds tweeting in the heather.

Verse 5 (the burning.)
Blood splashed the stone
His sword dropped on its own.
Her body cradled to his
Eyes dull and heart gone out like a failed quiz.
He cried solemnly
As she died in the columns of his arms.

Authors note:

219 Words<3

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