Chapter 9 ~ Happy?

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Samantha's POV

It has been three weeks since the last time I saw Sam. I wish I had never done that to him, but I know he will never take me back. Every thought in my head just keeps coming back to what I did. What I lost. Now all of them hate me.

I opened up my laptop and went to YouTube. I pulled up Sam's newest video and almost broke down while watching it. He looked so sad. So lost. I could take it anymore. I slammed my laptop shut and walked out of my room. I walked down to the community room where the few of us in the cancer wing come to meet. 

"Are you okay?" I would recognize that voice anywhere.

I turned around and Trevor was standing there with his hand locked to Dani's. I ran up to them and hugged them both as I let the tears that I held back, fall. 

"He still loves you," Trevor whispered as he hugged me.

We parted from the hug and the three of us sat down on the couch.

"Where is your mom?" Dani asked. 

"Uh, probably working. She hardly ever comes by anymore. With me being in the hospital she has to make a lot of money, and it isn't very easy," I replied. 

The both nodded and Trevor put his arm around Dani and pulled her closer.

"So um Trevor, about what you said to me. He doesn't still love me. Does he? I cant let him come back," I said. 

"Why not?" Dani asked, "Haven't you seen how depressed he is. He wont talk to any of us. He locks himself in his room and only leaves to get food."

"I don't wanna talk about it," I said getting quiet.

Trevor sighed and stood up. He walked over to the shelf and looked at the pictures. To make sure we don't get too sad we all take pictures of times we were happy and put them there to look at when we feel bad. 

He looked at the picture I put there. The one I now wished I had taken down. It was of me and Sam. The day we started dating. I was smiling like crazy and Sam looked so happy. We all just sat and stared at the picture for what seemed like an eternity.

"I want this happy Sam, both of you," Trevor finally said. 

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