New home

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"I am so tired right now" I tell my mom over the phone while carrying my luggages from the front door. I'm literally sweating 'cause of this boxes "ahhhg" I yell

"Careful hunny,you won't want to break your back like your aunt Martha now would you ?" My mum says as I struggle to lift my boxes to my room. I chuckled at her words. Aunt Martha broke her back while lifting a 50inch Tv all by her self because she think she's "strong enough" Take note aunt Martha is 53

I finally finished unpacking and arranging around the house "let me leave you to rest hunny,you had quite a stressful day today" no shit


No kidding, I was on the plane for hours and was eating foods that tasted like wet salads,gross,I know. I bearly ate anything. The only thing I manage to take was the apple juice I was given on the plane " yes mum" I say as I grab my phone which is leaning slightly against the wall of my kitchen on the isle "I've got to find something to eat" I mutter to myself "alright hunny rest well, and enjoy your new home ok ? I love you" my sweet mother says
" I love you mama" I smile as she hangs up the call "there had better be a McDonald's near by or I'll die" I say to myself as my hand unconsciously rest itself on my tummy

Sorry,where are my manners,I haven't introduce myself yet. My bad,I'm just so hungry. I'll tell you All about me right after I get myself a burger I promise.

I grab my phone and no I don't put it in my back pocket,I hold it in my hand instead. I don't trust this so called pocket not after I place my 10€ inside feeling excited to finally buy myself a double fudge ice cream that I wanted so bad . I took so much work to get that amount of money guys .

Anyways it was after period two ,we had our breaks. I happily skipped to the line and took my order from the nice ice cream lady " one double fudge ice cream please" I say with all smiles " ten pounds cutie" the lady said back

I place my hand at my pocket and I found nothing there but a few pennies that remained from yesterday. I raised my small hands up as my happy face litterly dropped " oh sweetie that's just 3 pounds,it would only be enough to get you a chocolate cone, would you like that ?" The lady said as I was still confused on where I kept my money. I could have sworn I put it there. I nod my head at the lady still trying to remember where I might have placed it . I was literally playing flashbacks in my head but they all lead to one place my back pocket .

I took the ice cream cone and ran into the classroom searching everywhere for my money. Long story short I never found it . Don't you dare laugh . Since then I never trusted this pockets .just so you know this happened when I was 10 . So you know this isnt just a phase

Anyways back to the presents. I luckily found a McDonald's close to my home with the help of goggle maps .I enter and stand in line waiting for my turn . My stomach making embarrassing noises once in a while . "Yes, finally" I mutter after the couples in front of me finally decided on what to feed the kids dramatic people

As I was about to step forward a guy cuts right in front of me "hmm,hello. Incase you couldn't see me 'cause of how short I am (I'm 5ft8 btw) I was standing here and it's my turn" the guy with the curly black hair still didn't look back like I was someone he wasn't really interested in . I mean yeah, I'm not interested in him either but he should acknowledge me at the very least,right ?.

"Hey are you deaf or something ?" He's back is still turned and I can't see his face . I get angry now " hey, you little fucke-" dammit, language " you punk,this is very stupid of you, you can't just cut lines like that, I've been standing here for over 5 minutes now waiting to get something to eat and I'd frickin murder you right this instance If you don't get in line" at this point I didn't know I was already yelling out in frustration and everyone was looking at us,no scratch that *me*

My cheeks turn red as I put my head down and head outside " stupid stupid stupid" I say to myself as I was walking home . My stomach growling again and I sigh " today wasn't just for us buddy" I pat my tummy " let's just get some rest,I promise to treat you with ice cream tomorrow" I say to it and it growls again in approval I hope. As I was about to enter my house I heard someone

"Hey" turning around to see this tall guy with a good looking smirk right on his face . Yes, I know what I said. He's smirk was like it was made for him on his gorgeous face,like damn
"Can I have a minute " he says with his ever-so-deep voice . It's like I got hypnotize as my legs move without my consent
I get close enough to him looking at him him square in the eye "sorry for what happened" he says .

I didn't understand. I mean what could someone so handsomely made ever be sorry for ? I stare at him with one of my eyebrows raised " the McDonald's stuff,about cutting into the line" he says
Now that I look at it,he's cloth is just like the jerk that took my spot and is making me go hungry this night. He's wearing a black joggers and a hoodie that says handsome well he certainly is. I mean no this jerk made you a joke just few minutes ago,he's as ugly as ever now .

I cross my arms and look up at him, my face turning fierce now " so you're the jerk huh ?"
"You know because of you I'll have to sleep with an empty stomach" I say wanting to growl at him. He's amazing,sorry hideous smirk still laying on his face like he's enjoying a funny little play
He stretches his hand forward giving me a paper bag . On the outside stands a McDonald's logo on it and I get confused. What is this guy trying to do ? Make me carry his stuff ? Rude punk

"It's yours now" he's says. I'm still confused
"Why" I ask
"Well I just felt like it's the right thing to do " he shrugs
I open it and see a burger with cheese and a Pepsi by its side too . My eyes lit up but I didn't want him to see it " you got the burger right but next time it's should be sprite" I say still scrawling at him
"Do you leave here" he said pointing at my house ignoring my comment

"Yes" I say
"Good" hmm, excuse me ?
"What's do you mean" I say with one of my eyebrows raised
"I stay just nextdoor,incase you want to know" his cocky self say .
" Why would I want to know ?" Still confused. "Girls like you...." he looks at me from my toes back to my face making me feel so self conscious all of a sudden.gezz I must look like shi-,sorry crap next to this guy . "Girls like you..." he continues "always find themselves crawling into my bed desperately,and I'm pretty sure you're no different" he says slowly inching closer to me.

I'm offended but I can't get my mouth to open with how close our bodies are right now . I'm about to say something when he walks away
"Night neighbour,see you soon" he says without looking back . I'm still standing at the exact spot he left me 2 minutes ago still in shock at what just happened and my stupidity of not answering him "aggh" I stump my foot angrily against the ground as I make my way home "that punk, who does he think he is "
"Your handsome neighbor durhhh" my inside voice tells me "oh,shut up" .next time I see him I'll show him what kind of girls like you I really am

Anyways I got food so screw him. Yes as promised I'll tell you about myself
So I'm Sam,age 19, I'm 5ft8 (yes I know, really tall) , I'm an introvert,I wear glasses as my eye sight ain't that good. I have a sweet mum and , sigh, my dad too. Different story on that side
I want a good clean life with no drama whatsoever, finish my education get a good job and make money too .

collage class starts next week and I'll have to get things set before then .
His face flashes in my head while munching on my burger "uhhh" I moan in frustration.

I hope we never cross part again pheww !!

*Author's thought

Omg guys, I don't really know what to say about this story at all. I don't even know where it's heading to gosh 😪....Anyways comment and like it please p.s the covers are not mine. And tell me if you would want more ? Till next time ❤️

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