we'll see

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What a wholesome week I had. It has been a week since I moved to Seattle now and I think I'm getting the hang of things. I Bought some few cloth I think might need, walked to my school just to see how far it is from home . Just 30 minutes walk ,and of course, I treated myself with ice cream when I got back

And no I didn't meet that jerk through out the week and I'm so happy for that "but don't you miss his gorgeous face" my inside voice say "no,no,no stop it!!" Sigh ok maybe I do . Anyways it's currently night time specifically 22:47pm ,school starts tomorrow on a Tuesday and I'm at home right now getting the necessary stuffs I might need ready
"Cloths to wear. Check!" I say as I tick out the list on a paper
"My flats. Check!"
"Walking shoes. Check!"
"Laptop. Check!"
The list goes on and on like that. I must be prepared,yes!!

"Done at last pheww!!" I say , wiping the invisible sweats off my forehead . I wonder if I'll see that jerk tomorrow. "No!" I shake my head ridiculously trying to clear that thought off my head . For all I know, that jerk might not even be in school with his cocky self. He may be working in a bar and probably getting good tips from the ladies as per his looks .moron .

Anyways time for bed . I hop on my bed and settle into my duvet. "The room is chilly" I say. I get up to close the windows. I was just about to shut it when I see a half naked man with towels wrapped around his waist right opposite my window . It's the jerk guy "too bad"
Hair dripping wet, falling over his forehead . looking lower I see abs,rock.solid.abs. "woah" .

I am not a fan of abs to be very honest , but this...this just beats them all . I look back up and see that he's staring at me with that gorgeous,no hideous smirk on his face again
"Done starring ?" He says
"I wasn't starring you jerk" I huff out
"Good night!!" I say jamming my window shut and covering the windows with my curtains. That was hot indeed not gonna lie. Anyways back to bed I go. I turned of the lights And lay in my bed once again and eventually drifting off to sleep

Morning 8:27am


Oh God. I'm going to be late . I'm current trying to put my walking shoes on in a rush and I can't get the laces done, probably 'cause my hands are shaking. Finally did them. I stand up straight grabbing my bag.my phone and keys and heading out. I lock the door and start speed walking. I got to school just in time. I ,with some other students were led to the reception.

I have been standing here for about 10 minutes now staring at my phone and scrolling left and right like I'm doing something on it,which I'm not by the way, when a man walked in " hey, quiet down" the man says

The man looks like he's in his early 50s, bald head, brown eyes,I think about 5ft6 . Wearing a light grey trousers and blazer with a white shirt inside . "You are all welcome here,I'm glad you guys aren't late like some past years who usually are. I'm Mr Brandon, one of the head lecturers in this fine college and I would like if some students who came here few times during the summer to learn how the school works to take the new students around the school and maybe guide them to one of their classes"

There are just 17 if us here Some groups picked themselves in three's while some picked themselves in two's. Most picked themselves in threes as I suspect they were already friends before hand. I was left alone still standing in the reception looking left and right if there's still someone who could take me around. "what are you still doing here" Mr Brandon asks me "hmm,they all left and I don't know my way around school" I replied. " You kids." The man sighs "Now I'll have to start looking for a student. Couldn't you just tag along with someone?" Oh I'm sorry for being an Introvert, might at well sue me Mr bald-on .

He was ranting on and on while I just ignore him when I heard him say " ha ha,Alex come over here " I look up to see my jerk neighbour wearing all black cloth with white sneakers, looking at me with his orbs . He steps closer,not taking his eye off me for even a second "take this lady around the school,show her the classes,labs, each blocks ,and oh yes,go to the IT room to get your timetables,I mean both of you " my Brandon says to him . "Will do sir" he says with a smirk growing on his face

What have I gotten myself into,Mr jerk which I now know is named Alex goes to my collage ??!!! . Might as well kill me . Mr Brandon leaves us and now it's just the two of us "oh geez" I mutter to myself. I don't know what to say . Should I greet him ? Or should he do that first ? "Hm hm" I clear my throat wanting to say something at least when he walks away . Geez,the nerve of this guy. This isn't the first bloody time he did this . "Coming ?" I hear him say ,and I start trailing behind him like a little puppy.

So far Mr jerk,sorry I mean Alex my jerk suits him better though. I'll just stick with Mr jerk . Anyway,so far he has been really cool .he showed me round the school . Technically we have 3 blocks. Block A,block B and Block R . This place is mad huge. I can't believe he knows the way around this place.

We are currently in the IT room waiting to get our timetable .some students were already here before us . It reaches my turn and a woman with glasses sitting in front of a computer speaks to me "name ?" , " Samantha Richards" I answer . She types some stuffs and said I should do a thumb print. Few seconds later the printer pukes out my timetable ,I take it and move out of the line for the next person,which is Alex. I go stand by the door waiting for him to take me to my next class which is Biology

When he's done I go to him to ask him to take me to my class. Beg him ? . You mean say please to Mr jerk,ptssst . Nope I'll ask him,that's all . "Hey,can you take me to my class,it's biology". "How rude of you can't you say please?" He says with a smirk, as always. "Please ?. I'm sure Mr Brandon told you to take me to my class" I say folding my arms

"no.he said I should take you around the school and the IT room. He never mentioned anything about showing you your class". Damn, he's walking away now . Oh God,can I ask someone else ? I look around but my legs won't move . " Ok fineee" I say loud enough for just him to here " will you please take me to my class, pretty please ?" I say stressing the word 'please' " was that so hard now ?" He turns his head to look at me " come along now" he says walking away

I follow him down the hall, we've been moving left and right and I kinda feel like we're going in circles. "hey" I voice out " yeah?" He answers without even turning to look at me . Rude . " About what happened last week"
"Huh huh ?"
"About you saying ' girls like you ' , I just want to tell you that I'm not like those girls who don't have dignity to be begging for someone like you "

This time he stops walking and stare at me "oh really now ?" He says coming closer
I step back taking few steps back as he's closing in on me "I - I'm not-t like them" I stutter . My back reach the wall and now he's towering over me, locking eyes with me

He moves closer like he's going to kiss me. Gosh,why is my heart beating so loud ? . His mouth is now near my ear. And he whispers ,with his hot breath blowing on my neck giving me instant goosebumps "we'll see about that,love"

Then he moves back and turns away. My entire face must be red right now . I hope it not noticable . I have A tanned skin after all . I snap out of the trans he placed me in and call out to him "hey,what about biology" but he doesn't look back . I huff and turn around seeing that I wasn't resting on a wall but on a door. And a sign plastered on the door says BIOLOGY LAB

oh so I was already here . I blush. I step in seeing a few students already inside the class and I grab a sit . The lecturer hasn't arrived yet . Flashback of what happened literally 5 minutes ago plays in my head

" We'll see about that love"

No we won't.. pheww, that jerk is just everywhere

*Author's thought

Hey guys 🤧,this was just a rough work and I don't know how you'll feel about this
I still don't know what would happen next lolll
Anyways till next time❤️


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