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Tuesday Morning 8:17am


"I already told you...I don't want to go to college!" I yell into the phone . "Oh,yes you must . What do you think you're going to be doing,huh ? Working at a bar ? " The recipient yells back . "Well that's not a bad idea now, is it ?" I say back with fury in my eyes . I'm currently talking to my mum right now in my room,and she's being such a headache. "Don't you talk to your mother like that Danté" my dad calls out,using my Italian name .

He only uses it when his serious about something or angry , I roll my eyes even though they can't see me . "We aren't trying to be hard on you,we know you've suffered for so long" my dad continues as I fell silent and look at my feet . My heart breaking piece by piece

"We understand what you're going through son,but we think it's high time you move on" my dad goes on. I drop the phone on the bed and walk over to my window, Staring at the outside world "son are you there ?"

"Hello ...." My dad sighs when he hears no reply "if you can still hear me,just know that we love you ok ?,we just want the best for you " I tighten my hand on the window sill "call us soon ok,and please go to school today will you ?" Then he hung up the phone . This tears....I won't let them fall,no, not today. I take a deep breath in and breathe out . I really don't want to go anywhere today .

I stay by my window staring at nothing in particular trying to decide if I should go to college or not for the past five minutes. "Oh geez,I'm going to be late" I hear someone say through my window I look forward and see that glasses girl I meet a week before. She's wearing a high waist jeans with a white crop top with a white sneakers and a dark leather jacket.

Her dressing style is not bad I guess. I watch as she quickly lock her door and almost racing down the street . "What are you up to, glasses" I chuckle at the way she's walking . I wonder where she's off to

I sigh "maybe I'll just go today and see what it's like" I mutter to myself "but if I hate it there,I'm definitely getting a job at a bar weather mum likes it or not" I concluded . I check my watch and see that it's 8:32.

I better find something to wear then. I'll probably be late but who's checking ? . I already took my bath and ate right after I woke up . I open my closet to pick out something to wear "this should do" I look at what I have picked and proceed to wear it

I put my phone in my pocket and put some necessary stuffs inside my black backpack,go out of the house and lock it . I check my time and it's fifteen minutes to 9 . Yep definitely going to be late.

I got to school in 30 minutes. I wonder where the rest are. I should check the reception first. I walk over there to see one of the head lecturers I saw during the tour/introduction day During the summer. Yes I attended. Well not on my own will,mum pushed me to it,litterly. I also spot a girl taller than Mr buston ? No Mr Brandon I think .

She has her head out down . His he scolding her ? ."Ha ha,Alex come over here " my Brandon calls out to me when he spots me . The girl by his side looks up and her eyes widen when she saw me . Oh it's glasses girl ,she attends this collage ? I guess I better rethink writing a bar application.

I smirk at her coming closer to them never getting my eyes off her "take this lady around the school,show her the classes,labs, each blocks ,and oh yes,go to the IT room to get your timetables,I mean both of you" I didn't even spare the old man a glance "will do,sir" I say my eyes still locked with her ocean eyes ."why do they look like hers so much" .

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