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She was 5 minutes early to the meeting for her personal bodyguard. Gripping the letter that the stalker gave her during that same photo shoot incase they ask for proof in finding a way to the stalker.

Knock knock.

Gently opening the door as she looked inside. A large table with a couple of office chairs by the table. A few documents on the table with a manager and presumably the bodyguard's solicitor. Her eyes landed on a familiar pair of grey eyes.

Emily's eyes widen a second.

What is he doing here?

The same guy that bumped into her was possibly her new permanent bodyguard. All three of them looked at her but she was focused on a pair of grey eyes. The same cold facial expression as when she first saw him. She felt something strange deep inside that she couldn't quite pinpoint on.

"Emily, have a seat." The manager said, pulling her back from the slight intense eye contact she had.

Emily had a tight smile spread against her lips before shutting the door behind her and sitting down, beside the solicitor and right in front of the male. She places the letter on the table beside the documents.

She was close enough to inspect him. This time wearing a suit, his blazer held no match against his broad shoulders. His stubbled jaw with a 5 o'clock shadow as his expression looked bored even. Like he much prefers doing something else. His large hands clasped together, resting on the table as she could see a gold watch on his left wrist, shining slightly from the light.

"Miss Addison, this is Rowan Marshall. He is here to fulfil the duty to keep you protected and safe. As you have asked to be assigned a bodyguard, I would advise you to read the rules, terms and conditions about this," the solicitor spoke. Causing Emily to tear the eye contact with the male in front of her.

She glanced down at the papers in front of her. Feeling a pair of grey eyes staring down at her, surprised he hasn't burned holes on the top of her head.

Emily read a few rules which were common sense. Yet with the male's piercing eyes on her, she seemed to struggle to focus on the papers.

"And then you can sign here. Rowan already signed, you just have to sign at the bottom, under his," the solicitor added.

She felt nervous under his stare as she glanced at the solicitor next to her. Before grabbing the pen beside the paper and signing her initials on the line. Accepting the offer for a bodyguard.

"Great! Well, we shall take the documents and papers to take into account. Any further questions?" My manager spoke up.

Raising her head up as she shook her head as a no. Looking at her manager as she ignored Rowan in front of her. Placing her hands on her lap, trying to wipe her sweaty hands against her skirt to remove her nervousness.

"No, not for now, thank you, sir," Emily spoke.

A few minutes go by as they leave the two alone. The awkward silence almost suffocating her inside as she cleared her throat, standing up.

Rowan stood up afterwards, walking around the table to her as she looked up at him. This was going to take a while getting used to. His body was larger than hers, not too bulky but muscular nonetheless. Emily could only guess how his muscles look under the suit but she pushed that thought aside.

He made her feel nervous, a little weird warm feeling inside. He seemed distant, like he was a robot with no human emotion. She has hung around guys before, but his ice cold stare on her made her feel nervous.

He finally spoke up, probably bored at the awkward silence holding the two of them.

"Are we going to go? Or?" his deep tone took her back slightly as it tugged something in her chest. Hearing him finally speak made her want to try and remember it as she doubts she'll hear him talk often.


Emily tried ignoring any weird glances, she did have a tall framed male in a suit walking beside her. She noticed a crowd holding cameras and microphones, rushing towards her as her eyes widen slightly.

Paparazzi? Are you serious?

She was used to this treatment, however she wondered if he was feeling awkward or uncomfortable about the sudden attention. He didn't seem the type to enjoy much of it.

A quiet snarl past Rowan's lips as she guessed he wasn't up for it. "Walk in front of me, i'll take you to my car." He muttered lowly.

Before she could say anything, he swiftly stepped behind her, covering her from the flashing lights from the cameras. He was probably thinking about the stalker possibly being amongst the paparazzis so he didn't want to risk it. It was his job after all.

She was practically jogging since he took long strides towards his car. She had no clue where it was, but he guided her towards it.

People shouting questions and remarks at Emily.


"Emily is that your bodyguard or your boyfriend?"

"Is it true you have an obsessive stalker?"

Feeling his warmth engulf her from behind as she was so close to him, she could practically smell his cologne. His breath tickling her neck as she grew goosebumps, embarrassed at how he affects her when she just met him.

You are being silly, Emily. Be serious.

Time felt like it slowed down as she couldn't listen to the shouting from the crowd. She may be used to it. But the tall muscular male behind her caught her attention the most.

She hoped he was busy protecting her from the crowd to not focus on the red tint against her cheeks. Opening her door swiftly before shutting the door behind him once she sat down.

She exhaled softly, hearing the knocking against the glass window and muffled shouting as Rowan stepped in his car a second after. Turning his key to start the car before speeding right past the crowd of paparazzi.

The silence was a little awkward, but she would much rather sit here than be out with the crowd.

"So.. You're the same guy I bumped into a few days ago." She spoke up, trying to start some form of conversation.
"Yes. It seems that I am." Rowan replied coldly.

Emily glanced at her now permanent bodyguard. A little put off by his cold dry replies.
"Seems to be fate," she joked out, hoping to get some form of reaction out of him.

But to no surprise, he didn't respond back, his lips didn't so much as twitch at her comment.

"Your address, Emily." He said, breaking the silence once again after a few minutes.

So, he's staying at mine? Good thing I have a spare guest room then.

She gave him her address before glancing out of the window. Watching cars zoom past, anything to help her ignore how he had one hand on the wheel, while the other rested on the car door.

He didn't seem interested in any conversation with her so Emily decided to daydream in the meantime until they make it to her house. Hoping she'll finally feel safe even without knowing where the stalker might be.

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