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Emily fiddled with her keys, opening her door as Rowan stood behind her, staying alert as he kept checking his surroundings, making sure no one was watching them. Or her mostly.

She took a step inside before twirling to face him.
"Welcome to my humble abode," Emily says with a warm smile on her face. Taking a few steps back to give Rowan space to walk in. She wasn't exactly expecting a reaction from him as he never seemed to keep up any conversation with her.

Taking a step inside her house, he analysed his surroundings. The picture frames on the wall of her and her family. The soft colours that exploded in between these walls which made him squint slightly.

"Nice place." He muttered out. Surprised to hear something out of him. Emily fiddled with the rings on her fingers. Feeling stupid to behave this way around Rowan.

"Upstairs to the far left is going to be your room for the rest of the time you'll spend accompanying me," Emily explained to him, watching him shut the main door behind him before seeing him inspect the house with his hands in his pockets.

Emily scrunched her face when she saw him walk around her house with his shoes still on. She was crazy when it came to keeping her house tidy.
"Your shoes. Can... Uhm.. Can you take them off.. Please?" She looked up at the tall male.

Rowan looked over his shoulder at her, not saying a word nor seeming to take his shoes off. She continued, "I like to keep the house tidy. I'm a weird freak about it."

She fiddled with her ring once again as she saw him comply, removing each loafer off of his feet before he kept inspecting around. A soft sigh of relief slipped past Emily's lips as she shrugged her jacket off and placed it nicely on the peg by the door.

Emily guessed to let Rowan look around to familiarise himself with his surroundings. She decided not to bother him. Walking to the fridge to make them dinner as she opened it. Emily cursed under her breath at the almost empty fridge, she forgot to go get groceries.

Rubbing her face a little to keep herself composed. She now had to talk to Rowan to let him know she needs to buy groceries for them to eat tonight.

She turned around to walk out the kitchen before seeing the male leaning against the doorframe. Just as it was like he read her mind from afar. He walked closer to her as she had her back against the fridge. Looking up at his tall figure as she looked into his grey eyes, like they were clouds in a thunderstorm.

He wasn't too close to her, but he stood in front of her, catching her off guard slightly. His cold stare could instantly freeze her.

"Uhm.. We kind of have to buy groceries, if you're okay with going out."


Emily was walking around with a sheet in her hand full with groceries they need for the week. Rowan pushing the trolley behind him as he looked unbothered, glancing at his phone from time to time incase he was notified about anything.

She crouched down to grab apples that were a packet of four inside. Placing it on the trolley before glancing at Rowan. He lifted his eyes from his phone to her which made her instantly look forward and keep walking. Ignoring his stare.

It was a little tiring walking around with a hat that covered her face along with a fake wig. Always having to go out really early or late to lessen the chance of bumping into any paparazzi. But she grew used to it either way.

They were in an empty isle with no one around, Emily busy picking which type of bread she wanted. Before she grabbed the white bread, someone surprised her.

A sharp gasp left her lips as Rowan instantly snatched her out of the way, pressing her back against his chest as he held an arm around her in a protective stance. His other hand in his back pocket as if to pull out a gun.

Miles, my best friend, was surprised and held his arms up.
"Woah woah, i'm just a friend of Emily's. Don't get overprotective. I was just going in for a hug," Miles spoke. Hearing the nervousness in his tone.

It all happened fast, Emily's heart pace picked up as she tried catching her breath as if she ran a marathon. Feeling Rowan's eyes look at her for approval.

"He's my best friend. You can let go of me, Rowan." She looked up at him with a reassuring smile.

Rowan gave Miles a cold stare before gently letting go of Emily and his gun. Returning his position behind the cart. Emily noticed she dropped the bread once Rowan held her close, retreating the bread as she placed it in the cart.

"I'm sorry, Miles. My bodyguard is always on high alert and thinking everyone could be my potential stalker," she let out a nervous laugh.

"No worries, I understand," he looked nervous under Rowan's gaze. Looking like he could shrink in place from the stare.
"Anyways, it's nice bumping into you. I haven't seen you in a while," Emily spoke up, trying to ease everyone into a conversation.

After a few minutes go by, Miles bids his goodbye. Emily turns to face Rowan only to see him close up that she could inspect every feature on his face. Taken aback at how close they both were that she could smell his breath.


Emily blinked a couple times to try and focus but she struggled with him so close up. She felt a soft tint of red against her cheeks. The corner of Rowan's lips lifted into a smirk, but once she blinked it disappeared.

It was the first she saw them lift even if it was for a split second. And she couldn't focus on how that caused warmth inside. The atmosphere grew thick as she felt her heart up in her throat a little.

Is it getting hot in here?

Rowan opened his mouth to speak, his voice deep and low to make sure she was the only one that heard.
"You need to be careful. Anything could happen to you. You need to tell anyone you know not to surprise us like that. Do you understand, Emily?"

It was the most he's spoken and it caused her to stammer on her words.
"Y-Yeah, i'm sorry, Rowan." She gulped quietly.

Dark black hair. Like a dark raven colour. Showing no warmth in the colour as his grey eyes showed a hint of seriousness inside them. Like a fog that was hiding his deep secrets, but also causing Emily to get lost in them to find the path towards him.

She seemed to of dozed off from looking at his features, people could mistake him to be in a magazine if he wasn't her personal bodyguard.

Black shirt. Cargo pants. Boots.

That seemed to be his comfort clothing. A bit confused on how he changed from his suit back at hers, probably to not attract any attention towards them. Rowan must of noticed that she wasn't going to move, breathing through her lips that were agape, her body warm filled with goosebumps at the smell of his cologne intoxicating her.

Rowan placed a strand of Emily's hair behind her ear, probably exposed through the wig, gently brushing the back of her ear in the process which jolted electricity through her veins.
Finally taking a step back and pulling away from her. Emily frowned mentally at the lose of his warmth but the smell of his cologne remained. Finally coming back into reality.

She took a step forward to stand beside the trolley, trying to understand what just happened. Rowan pushed the trolley towards the check out as she followed in front of him.

She needed a distraction somehow from the slight intense moment that happened just a few minutes ago.

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