Chapter 22 Hospital Day

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Chapter 22 Hospital Day


"OH GOD! John I'm so sorry!" I told him. I felt his arms sneak around my waist and he hug me tight.

"Honey, it's not your fault, okay? I did it because i wanted to not because you made me to. It was my decision, okay?" He said looking at my eyes. I slowly nod and hug him tighter. "I missed you so much"


1 hour later the doctor come to check on him, he took off the machines but said they're gonna keep him overnight just to make sure.

"Sweetie why don't you go home, eat something, take a shower, and then come back" he said.

"No it's okay, Angela is gonna be here in a hour to bring me food. And Shannon left me some clothes last night. I can take a shower on the bathroom's shower" i told him.

"Oh okay, i didn't know that there was a shower" he said and i nod

"It's basically a small hotel room, but without the mini fridge with alcohol" i said and make a disappointed look at the end making John laugh and shook his head at me. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I checked who it was and it was my sister.

"Hey Ang! What's up?" I asked

"Hey Katy, I read your text saying that John woke up. How is him?" She asked me

"He's okay, he can't move his left arm thought but the doctor said it was normal and that he could be able to move in a week" I told her

"Ohh that's great! I'm with stella Stella down here on the waiting room and she really wants to see her uncle. Can we get in? I also bring you McDonald" she said

"Of course! You don't have to ask! Come on in!" I said and hung up. Ten minutes later Angela and Stella get in.

"UNCLEEEE JOOOOHNNN!" Stella screamed and run up to the bed. John picked her up and put her on his lap. She hug him and said

"I miss you" " I missed you too Stella Bella" he said tapping the tip of her little nose making her laugh.


It's been an hour and Angela just left. John and I had dinner already. Now we're talking about what happened during all this time that he's been in coma. Our talk was interrupted by a nock at tue door.

"Come in" John said. The door opened and a nurse came in. She seems to be in her middle twenties, she was blonde, thin and she had make up on a little too much to my opinion. The two first buttons of her shirt were opened reveling a little to much of cleavage, not that she had much to show. She was definitely a hooker.

She walked to the bed with some towels, shampoo, soap and other things.

"Hello I'm nurse Brittany. But you can call me Britt" she said giggling like a teenager and waving her hair. She totally ignored me! And on top of that she was flirting with my man!

"Why are you here with these things?" I asked her sounding a little rude but can't you blame me?!

"Oh yeah that! You need to clean yourself. You've been in coma for a month and you need a shower". She said. "Not that I'm complaining!" She said again giggling.

"Oh thank you! I'll see how I arrange myself with it. I can't move my left arm" he said slowly sitting in bed.

"Ohh I can help you with that if you want you!" She said flirting once again with him but he didn't pay attention to her and instead looked at me. "Would you help me babe?" He asked me and her face totally changed. "Of course honey" i said a give her a look.

"Fine here are all the things you'll need" she said with an attitude and left the room. John and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"You should have seen her face!" I said in between fits of laugh. "I know it was priceless!" He said laughing too.


"Can you stand up by yourself or you need help" i asked him.

"No I got it. Don't worry." He slowly get up and after a couple of seconds he stand up by himself.

"Okay the shower is ready. Get in and if you need my help just call me" I said. "Okay thank you" he said and started walking towards the bathroom so his back was facing me. He didn't notice that he was wearing one of those hospitals overall which had the back open and he wasn't wearing any underwear leaving his butt free.

"Nice butt" i said and he turned around and look at me eyes wide amd checks pink. He continued walking backwards until he got into the bathroom.


"KATY I CAN'T WASH MY HAIR BY MYSELF CAN YOU HELP ME?" I heard John called me from the bathroom. I put my phone down and walked into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"I can't wash my hair" he said sticking his head out through the shower curtain.

"Okay pass me the shampoo I'll do it" I told him. He passed me the shampoo and aat on the shower floor. I kneeled on the floor next to him and started washing his hair.

"Okay now stand up and washed off the shampoo." I said once I finished and helped him get up.

"You stink!" He said chuckling "Come here you need a shower!" He said pulling me inside the shower with him with all my clothes on.

"John! What are you doing?! I've got my clothes on!" I yelled at John and he just laugh at me.

"Well let's fix that then" he said still laughing and started taking off my clothes. I tried to cover myself bu it was in vain.

"John give me back my clothes!" I yelled as he throw my clothes away. He laughed and hug me.

"I just want to take a shower with my girl. Nothing else will happen, I promise just a shower" he said looking into my eyes.

"Fine just a shower!" I said "I'll be watching your every move" I said


After the shower we got change ino new clothes and got ready to sleep.

"Kate honey, this are casual clothes I don't have a pjs" he said once he got completely dressed.

"Sleep in your underwear babe" i said and he took ofd his clothes. He got in bed and look at me, then he patted tue spot next to him in bed.

"Sleep me with me?" He asked me cutely. I smiled and get in bed with him.

Hey guys! This is a long chapter as a thank for the 3k read!!! Thank you guys sooo much i never thought that I'll get thos far!! Love you all!!! And thanks again!!

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