Chapter 24 Proposal

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Chapter 24 Proposal


It's been a week since we come back from the hospital. John and I are closer than ever. We're doing great but I haven't told him about his mother and it worries me a lot. What's he gonna say when he find out? It's not like I did something wrong but his mother think I did and she hates me now. What's is he gonna do when his mother tell him that she hates me and that I'm a bother? Will he leave me? Scenarios of the worse possibilities start showing in my head, I started getting nervous to the point I'm almost hyperventilating. All my thoughts fade away as I felt a pair of strong and warm arms wrapped aroun my body.

"Good morning beautiful" he whisper in my ear. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. He pulled me closer and started kissing me all over my face and neck.

"Mmm.. Good.. Morning.. Mmm. John!" I said in between moans.

"I wanna take you out tonight." He said as he stop kissing me leaving me wanting more.

"Ohh really? What for?" I asked him turning around so I'm facing him now.

"Just because, plus I think you deserve it" he said picking my lips one last time and then let me go so he could sit at the table.

"Kayyy then, I'll go to the studio in an hour, would you pick me up at five?" I asked him.

"Sure! I'll pick you up at five bring you back home so you can change and then we'll leave." He said pouring coffee in a cup.

"Yep! Okay I have to go. See you at five. Love ya!" I said as I picked my things and leave.

"Love you too!" I heard John sream back at me.



I take the chance that Katy would be out almost all day to prepare everything. First I need to find the ring the last time I saw it, it was in my jacket pocket before I got shoot. Sooo let's see, where it could be? I remember Katy said she took my clothes back home that night, I'll look on the laundry room.

I started looking throw the clothes until I found my jacket. I began checking every pocket until I found the little red box, I opened it and saw the ring untouched. But there's something that doesn't close, if Katy washed my clothes how is that she didn't found the ring? Or maybe Katy just took the clothes but Shannon wash them after all she helped Katy while she was at the hospital with me.


I finally got all set and it's 4.30 so I got change and leave to the studio.




Dinner was great! I haven't had so much fun in a while. After dinner John took me out for a walk in a gorgeous private park. When we reached the center of the park we layed down on the floor under a beautiful cherry tree.

We're sitting under the tree now my head resting in John's chest as he rubs my back. We're enjoying each other company looking at the stars.

"Kate?" John asked breaking the silence.

"Mhm?" I hummed back.

"Okay then, em... I love you more than anything or anyone. You make me the happiest man on earth. I never thought I'll feel this for anyone until I met you. I can't live with out you and I'll do anything to make you happy, or see you smile. What I'm trying to said is... Katherine Elizabeth Hudson would you marry me?" Oh my god! Did he really said that?! I covered my mouth in shocked as happy tears began falling.

"Yes! I will marry you!" I said making John break in a gigant smile and put the beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

"It beautiful I love it! I love you" I said and he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

After our little make out session we layed back down admiring the brilliant stars above us.

"Can I tell you something that I never told anyone?" He asked me.

"Of course you can! You know that you can tell me anything" I assured him.

"Ok---" he started talking but was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. "Ohh shit, I'm sorry" he said.

"No it's okay. Go answer I'll wait here. Don't worry" I told him and he hesitate but got up and sat on a bench across from the tree and answer the call.

I patiently wait for him to finish playing Candy Crush on my phone. After like 15 minutes he come back but his expression wasn't the same. He looked confused and there was a hint of anger in his eyes which made me worry.

"It was my mom. She told me what happened at the hospital that day." He said and I felt my world crash. She told him I'm ruined he probably hates me too now.

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