Chapter 26 The End?

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Chapter 26 The End?


John saw my cuts. What am I gonna do now? His face was priceless, but not in a good way. He was shocked, I could see the fear and sadness in his eyes. He also looked worried very worried. But most of all, was the hurt in his eyes and I just couldn't take it so I run. I run away as fast as my legs afford me to. I run and run and run.

Before I knew it I was only a block away from home. I decided to slow down and walked. I don't know what am I gonna do, should I stay, or maybe I'll leave.

As I approach the front door I noticed that John's car is already here. Damn. I stood at the door for like five minutes discussing with myself if I should get in or not. Finally I decided to get in and hope for the best.

I slowly get in the house trying to keep as quiet as possible. The lights are off except from the one in the kitchen. I walked up to the door and saw John standing talking on the phone his back facing me. He didn't notice I was there so I could listen his talk.

"Ok I'll be there in two days. Bye. Yeah. Okay. Love you too." He said and the hung up. He sat on the chair and put his hands on his face. Great his frustrated and it my fault just what I needed.

I slowly walk backwards away from the door when suddenly I trip over with a big black backpack. What the hell? I opened the backpack and found it full with John's clothes. He's leaving? I felt my heart sunk down to my stomach. He's leaving me, I knew he would eventually, I knew that sooner or later he would get tired of me and leave. I felt tears for in my eyes but didn't dare to let them fall.

Suddenly John get out of the kitchen and was staring down at me his face had no emotions. I quickly get back up and looked at his brown eyes.

"Katy I-I" he began saying but I cut him off.

"No John save it and just leave" I said and I noticed the confused look on his face but I shook it off and run upstairs over to my bedroom.

I can't believe this, but somehow I knew this was going to happen I just decided to ignore it and trust that everything was gonna be fine. What an idiot!.

I can't take this anymore, I don't want to. I walked over to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy, make up is all over my face. My beautiful sparkling blue eyes are a dumb shade if grey now. I look awful, I'm an awful person all I do is cause pain to the ones I love.

Everyone is gonna be better off without me. John is gonna find someone better, someone prettier than me , someone that would make him happy and not suffer, but he is not going to find someone that loves him more than I do, because I love him more than anyone, I gave him all of me but sadly I am not possible to be loved.

I sat on the bathroom floor head against the bathtub. I took off my jacket and throw it away. I pull my knees to my chest and buried my face in them. I looked at the shaver at the edge of the bathtub. Should I do it? I'll be the best for everyone after all right?.

Heyy guys! Cliffhanger sorry not sorry.hehe. Anyway did you like this chapter? I know is short but well. Please vote, comment and share. I really appreciate it. Love you all.

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